Active Monitors


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have just purchased some active monitor speakers and was wondering about the best way to connect them up to my PC.

I was thinking of simply using a jack to phono cable with a phono to mini-jack converter on the end i.e. out of the headphone socket! if this doesnt make sense let me know. if it does make sense; will there be a significant loss of sound quality as it is just coming out of the little headphone socket??

or should i do something completely different?!

Hello seanyboy. As a member of the 'PC-with-active-speakers club' , I feel duty bound to attempt to help. Firstly, you seem to be saying your speakers only have a minijack input? No standard phono stereo connection? I'll also assume you haven't got an external soundcard - this would give you stereo outputs.

In which case you will have to connect from the audio out minijack as you have done. If you are then going to be going in to a minijack connection for your speakers then you can buy a minijack-to-minijack cable. Take a look at the iChord from Chord Company which is available as jack-to-jack as well as jack-to-phono, and sounds rather nice, too.
fantastic, upon buying the active monitors i found they had phono plugs in the back anyway so i am able to use those until i get a soundcard, probably and m-box mini after some reasearch.

Thanks for your help joe 🙂


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