Acoustic Enercy AE 109s thoughts?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi - hsa anyone got any experience of/comments on these?

I've heard a few good things and they seem to go for sod all on eBay (sub £100).
I've owned them with my first system with an Arcam 7 amp and CDP and they were bloody brilliant.

Go plenty deep without being overpowering, midrange is good and well timed and the treble isnt in your face at all. Quite a smooth sound over all.

Need a good amp to drive them well and try not to partner them with harsh sources.

Theyre good quality speakers and i'd have them over any of the more newer AE speakers lately. I had the AE309's a while back and hated them. Lacked punch and accuracy!

If you can get a set of AE109's for less than £100 i'd say go for it! Great deal and they look good too.
Thanks Dan - either way they have to be better than my Gale 4040s....

You say try not to drive them with a harsh source...... I think my CA 540a Mk2 comes under this umbrella... wouldn't you say?
Your C/A amp/CDP should be fine, C/A is quite laid back. Id say that Marantz, Cyrus etc wouldnt be well suited to the AE109's as their treble is slightly edgy/forward.

The AE109's will trounce the floor with the Gales. You'll notice a massive improvement but make sure thaat the AE109's arent too close to rear/side walls as they have a rear firing port as well as the 2 small front firing ports.

Arcam and Rotel would be well suited to the AE109's, might be worth looking at them if you can.
I really appreciate your input on this.... you may have seen my other threads on my Gale situation (entitled "Nasty Speakers" and "Lost Cause").

I think it might be worth cutting my losses and grabbing a pair of sub £100 AEs.... I could probably get similar cash for the Gale weirdly (as they are fairly new and cost £200......which I'm not bitter about at all.... no).

Any other suggestions for cheap second hand floor standers? Deep, smooth, rich, warm is what I'm after....
If you can stretch your budget i'd take a look at some B&W 602 S2 standmount speakers and pair them with a good set of mass-loadable speaker stands (Atacama SE20's or SE24's would be ideal with atabites to load them).

I got the B&W 602 S2's when i sold my Arcam and AE109 set-up and believe me, the B&W's go just as deep, if not deeper than the AE109's with the right music and amp/CD combo.

You can get the B&Ws for c£150 off Ebay (make sure there's no damage to the tweeters or drivers) and make sure the sellers got good feedback etc.

Other then that i'd say you'd have to open up your budget a bit more. You could possibly be lucky enough to get some B&W 602 S3's or B&W 602.5's for c£200.
I had a pair of AE109's.

Couple of things to bear in mind:

Need a decent amp to drive them.


Space Space Space, small spaces won't bring the best out of them and will just give a "boomy" sound.

But if you've got a decent amp & a large room, they are a very nice cheap second hand option IMO.


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