Having spent a few weeks with the V20, in almost every respect I'm delighted with the set.
Certain issues reported by other owners are present -- floating blacks etc. -- though they don't spoil general viewing and I'm can't gripe at the price I paid.
However, I'm wondering what a normal level of buzz and whine is with this TV? I appreciate that all plasmas buzz, but the high pitched whine from my V20 is constant and quite uncomfortable, even at normal listening levels. What's more, when I switch the TV off in the evening, I can still hear the whine when I go to bed, like a form of tinnitus.
You could be forgiven for thinking that I have tinnitus anyway, and this has nothing to do with the TV, but I never noticed the ringing in my ears before; and when I spent the weekend away the ringing disappeared, only to return after an evening's viewing.
Al, or other owners, I'm wondering if you've experienced anything similar? The first time I plugged the TV in it made a strange static pop, a sound I've never heard from a TV before. Maybe there's a problem with the TV's capacitors, or some other internal electrical problem? If so, this might explain why the whine from my TV sounds so obtrusive.
I thought I'd see if my experiences mirror those of other owners before deciding whether to call the retailer about this. I love the TV, I just don't think tinnitus should be a side effect of normal viewing...
Certain issues reported by other owners are present -- floating blacks etc. -- though they don't spoil general viewing and I'm can't gripe at the price I paid.
However, I'm wondering what a normal level of buzz and whine is with this TV? I appreciate that all plasmas buzz, but the high pitched whine from my V20 is constant and quite uncomfortable, even at normal listening levels. What's more, when I switch the TV off in the evening, I can still hear the whine when I go to bed, like a form of tinnitus.
You could be forgiven for thinking that I have tinnitus anyway, and this has nothing to do with the TV, but I never noticed the ringing in my ears before; and when I spent the weekend away the ringing disappeared, only to return after an evening's viewing.
Al, or other owners, I'm wondering if you've experienced anything similar? The first time I plugged the TV in it made a strange static pop, a sound I've never heard from a TV before. Maybe there's a problem with the TV's capacitors, or some other internal electrical problem? If so, this might explain why the whine from my TV sounds so obtrusive.
I thought I'd see if my experiences mirror those of other owners before deciding whether to call the retailer about this. I love the TV, I just don't think tinnitus should be a side effect of normal viewing...