a pair of headphone that is BETTER THAN IE8


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I have a few headphones with me, all IEMs, all sennheiser's, but my favourite was my IE8, and I love it so much.

about 2 months ago I lost my IE8 when I was camping and now I'm searching for a new pair of headphone that is BETTER THAN my IE8.

Can you give me a recommendation of which headphone I should buy.

It doesn't have to be Sennheiser, im looking for the best available on the market. Bose, AKG, Grado, anything.

IEM is OK, but I prefer it to be on-ear or around-ear design, and closed-back so it wont disturb other people.

I'm listening to wide variety of genres. I like the sound to be detail, crisp. Clear instrument separation. Deep Strong Bass but not sacrifice the mids, and a big wide deep soundstage.

the point is I want it to be BETTER THAN my IE8.

I'm using this headphone with my iPod Classic, flat EQ, and All the files are in Apple Loseless format.

I wear my headphone at home, at college, when traveling, everywhere actually so the styling is also important. I don't want an ugly-looking headphone... hehehe

but still, Sound Quality is number One...

I'm willing to spend up to $450 for this headphone...

please help me...

Big Thanks for your help :)


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Hi. That is such a difficult question to answer as sound quality is so subjective and the difference in sound between IEMs and around ear closed backed headphones is as different as any subjective sound quality difference.

I would peruse WHFs recommendations and reviews here <<<clicky>>>

The only headphones that I can think of that are closed backed, dont leak much sound, are portable and look rather good are the B&W P-5s. I found the sound to good, but for the price not outstanding. Sound wise, as it is crisp, detailed especially with the midrange and has a good sound stage I prefer the AKG K271 MkII, but that is not portable by any means.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
The Westone UM3x is the best in ear monitor I've ever heard and is a fair bit better than the IE8 which has a bloated and boomy sounding bass IMO. If you can find a shop that will let you try befor you buy give the UM3x a listen.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
If you are after a set of IEM's better than the IE8 then you could look at EQ7 from ortofon? Either than or Final Audio Design FI-BA-SS


New member
Aug 12, 2008
IEM: Westone UM3X. They have wonderful mids (voices are heavenly), nice soundstage, tight & punchy bass. And they are very comfortable too.

Portable headphones: I have recently purchased a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 1350 (on-ear type). They are very detailed, crisp, great seperation of instruments, soundstage is very good too for closed headphones, bass is tight & deep but not as puchy as the IE8 or some other bass orientated headphones. Imo bassy headphones always have recessed mids. The only exception to the rule I have ever heard is the Audeze LCD 2, but they cost about $1000!

So it all boils down to this with the DT 1350: if you are willing to take a step back in raw bass power (but you get much better quality and a more musical presentation) and give up the fetish that headphones need to look 'cool' then the Beyers maybe right up your alley. If not, just buy the Beats by Dr. Dre stuff.