A bit underwhlemed by Sennheiser HD650


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi all

have just taken delivery of the above headphones. I must say I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be - there's nothing that I can say is wrong with them, I just thought they would sound better than what I hear through my speakers - they currently sound on a par with them. They are being played through a Roksan Kandy L3 CDP and amplifer with Dali Ikon 6 speakers.

Is it that they will get better with use - what I have read, or do I need a dedicated headphone amp to get the best out of these. How does a headphone amp connect - do I need to be swapping cables from my CDP to my stereo amp or headphone amp depending on how I want to listen or can they all be connected together.



You do need a dedicated headphone amplifier - it improves the sound so much! Basically, you can connect one straight from the tape record out RCA connectors from your Roksan amplifier to the input RCA connectors on most headphone amps. The Pro-Ject Headbox II will improve the sound; it'll give a brighter, clearer, more seperated sound but the tonality can become a bit forward. I therefore suggest you look at the various Musical Fidelity X-Can models that have been produced over the years, and if possible, the X-Can V8!

Then again, for musical enjoyment, there is no substitute for decent speakers (which you Dalis certainly are)!


Thanks for that - how much should I look to be spending to compliment my existing equipment?


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Sep 25, 2008
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Alright mate, everything I have heard about the HD650 suggests they are an excellence headphone. They might need a 100hrs to break in, like speakers, before they sound thier best.

I was going to buy these headphones myself, but decided to put the money towards upgrading my main hifi.

You can get lots of into off this forum http://www.head-fi.org/forums/

You definately need to invest in a headphone amplifer. From what I found Sennheiser used the Graham Slee Solo headphone amplifer when developing the headphones, http://www.gspaudio.co.uk/preamps/analogue_audio_products.htm

£354 for the green version. People who have got this amp and your headphones say its a good match, so I would buy that one personally.


pjeast73:Thanks for that - how much should I look to be spending to compliment my existing equipment?

Around the same price you paid for the headphones as a realistic maximum - The Graham Slee listed above is a good choice though...

Check out Icon Audio's range aswell...


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Feb 8, 2009
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Hi all

have just taken delivery of the above headphones. I must say I'm not as impressed as I thought I would be - there's nothing that I can say is wrong with them, I just thought they would sound better than what I hear through my speakers - they currently sound on a par with them. They are being played through a Roksan Kandy L3 CDP and amplifer with Dali Ikon 6 speakers.

Is it that they will get better with use - what I have read, or do I need a dedicated headphone amp to get the best out of these. How does a headphone amp connect - do I need to be swapping cables from my CDP to my stereo amp or headphone amp depending on how I want to listen or can they all be connected together.


I have the Sennheiser HD 650 for quite some time now, and if anything has become obvious over that period of ownership is that having a headamp with these headphones is not an option, it's a MUST. I use Musical Fidelity X-can V3 to great effect. Supposedly the Creek 21 SE is even better. As a third alternative you could decide to go for a tube headamp- others on this forum can tell you more.

Whatever you choose, you really need a dedicated amp. The only time I listened without the Senns sounded so bland and shallow they left me totally cold. What you can expect with an amp like the X-can is IME a very involving and 'real' presentation that will sound just 'right'. I would be very surprised if they won't perform a lot better than your Dalis (even though they are very good).

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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We've got a small Group Test of Headphone amps coming up in our next issue (on sale early March) - includes models from Graham Slee, Creek, Pro-ject and more.


thanks for all the comments folks. A lot to consider, very helpful. And looks like I'll be tuning in to the group test next issue also!


Clare Newsome:We've got a small Group Test of Headphone amps coming up in our next issue (on sale early March) - includes models from Graham Slee, Creek, Pro-ject and more.

Oooooo - I'm interested to hear what the verdict on the Pro-ject is!


IMHO, the headphone out on the Kandy L3 is very poor, much worse than on my Marantz 6002 which is a price level or two down. I use the Project Headbox II to good effect with the Kandy.


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Aug 17, 2007
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have a look at the little dot mk111 and try some tube rolling to get the sound you desire - i have commented on it in several threads on here just search under my name - its a great device shame what hi fi can't pick one as would love to know how it compares with the others in the march issue - i also have a project headbox mk11 and whilst not in the same league as the little dot and def not as flexible is still a great improvment over the arcam solo movie headphone socket.


I've no experience of the K2 (edit- whoops I thought it was the K2, the following still stands), though the headphone out will not match the potential of your 650's.

The (3 weeks after 60 hours of break in) experience I've had of the 650's is pretty much what I expect the system in your signature will deliver. As mentioned, headphones such as these do not deliver their full potential unless a proper amp is involved, it's like asking an Arcam Solo to power a pair of B&W 805s without the clipping.

Personally I would suggest either a Graham Slee or the Naim Headline with the 650's, which in my opinion need an amp like that to bring them to life.


Correct, I have bought the Little Dot. I can currently hear your thoughts through it.


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Aug 17, 2007
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so you bought one - how you getting on with it? hope you're impressed as would feel guilty if not for keeping banging on about it - but think the soundstage hits you pretty much instantly - have you had the desire to swap out any tubes yet?


Ah, just seen how much the HD650s cost. Yes, you might want to set your sights a little higher than the bottom of the range Project unit.


To be honest it's truly magnificent.

I've never tried a tube headphone amp before. I've had about a week on it so far and I cannot understand how much it improves my 701s incredibly detailed and responsive but clean as a slate sound. Depth, subtlety, love, emotion to say the least.


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Aug 17, 2007
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wait till you get the urge to roll - the little VOSHOD 6ZH1P-EV EF95 are great for rock - think i paid £10 for two sets off ebay from russia and also bought a pair of mullards EF92s but not even taken them out the box yet but they were a little more £20 i think


(takes note). I'm still curious to the improvements a Solo can add though. Once I've cleared the card this month...


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