
I think Claire or Andrew will know if anyone. Surely the 875 is better value for money though.


so would this mean some people would fear for their jobs as calibrators or is it just a gimmick that would never get close to having someone calibrate your system for you. ie is it worth it??


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2008
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I think it's quite a hard question for anyone to answer without the WHFSV Team having reviewed the new 876.
On the face of it you would assume that the 876 is as good (if not better) than the preceeding 875, however this is not always so. Further, it was possible to get an 875 for between £600 and £700, and for that cash I doubt an 876 (which will obviously be £1k to start with) would be worth the extra premium. I note though that its very hard to get an 875 at that sort of price now, especially in black - silver you might be lucky.


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Dec 5, 2007
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Gander:so would this mean some people would fear for their jobs as calibrators or is it just a gimmick that would never get close to having someone calibrate your system for you. ie is it worth it??

No, quite the opposite if anything. It opens up a whole new market for calibrators. Previously, only certain panels and consumers tv (eg. certain Pioneer Kuros) had special menus that could be accessed my calibrators using custom software, thus they were labelled ISF calibration ready. This meant that they could perform operations such as colour management and gamma curve correction for each individual source hooked up to your panel in situ, thus maximising the performance of everything.

The ability to do this on a receiver is new. It means that even those people without ISF ready tvs can have the service performed at receiver level which has a number of advantages. Firstly, it could mean that the picture quality could be adjusted to compensate for any shortcoming that the tv might have that cannot be corrected in its own user menu. Secondly, it should allow for greater flexibility. Previously, if you had everything going into your tv via the receiver, a certain amount of compromise was necessary such as if you had a number of devices, each with there own possible picture quirks, sharing one input. The calibrator would have to find the best balance between those devices. Now, that's no longer necessary. Whether it's worth it or not will depend on the individual and how much they're willing to spend to get the best out of it. Certainly, if you've dropped a grand on a receiver, and have some good quality decks hooked up to it along with a good quality display at the end, it's nice to have the option.


Any idea when the 876 will be out? Iwas told in September but I still don't see any formal announcement from Onkyo yet? I hope that it runs "cooler" than the 875. And still no networking capabilities right?


Finally! I can't wait for the review! When can we expect it?

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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When it's done.

Can't make any promises as we are seriously deluged with equipment at the moment.

It's scheduled for the Awards issue First Tests pages, and that issue is on sale on October 16 - we have the whole of the next issue to do before we get on to that one.


Yikes! Looks like I'll have to hold my breath a while longer then. I've been holding out on buying an AV Receiver and have been awaiting eagerly for the new Onkyos. Am I right to assume that the new 876 will be the only new receiver in that class for 2008 as no new Denons or Yamahas in that class are scheduled to be launched until 2009? Any supertest planned or would the Awards issue determine the category winner? When's the Ultimate Guide to Home Cinema out?

Thanks for the update Andrew. :)

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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Not as far as we know, apart from the the Sony 5400ES that's already broken cover in the the States, no not before the Awards issue, and and UGHC is on sale October 31.


Thanks for the updates Andrew! So, UGHC will be out after the Awards issue. OK, I'll wait patiently until October then . . . in the meantime, I'll have to find some other new toys to keep me entertained to make the wait less painful. :)


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