50pk350, AEjim, Max etc etc


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all,

I am about to pull the trigger to buy myself a 50pk350 from Dixons for 515 pounds which feels like stealing... I know all the drawbacks (averege black levels,reflective screen, not very punchy colors, no HD freeview, no DLNA, no internet, 2 hdmi ...) but what troubles me a bit is the dead pixels which i read in some forums and if the PQ is improving in the living room with no lights.

I would like to ask all the proud owners to just give me a quick advice in what to look for and how to treat it in the first 100-200 hours which is going to be more sensitive. Also your best settings for SD and/or HD. So :

1. Got any dead/stuck pixels? burn ins?

2. Does the pk350 look much much different when at home because with the full lights in the shops its looks very pale.

Thank you in advance!
hi aristomenis, no dead/stuck pixels on my screen. no screen burn either although there is some image retention, which is fine as it's only noticeable on a blank screen and therefore not a problem at all.

i've tried many different settings but have ultimately kept the settings i got when i ran the inbuilt picture wizard, as they suit my room ambience and are to my taste, i'd suggest you do the same. i don't feel the need to have seperate settings for sd and hd.

not sure about the colours being dull? i think the colours are excellent and are very punchy. and yes, the tv does look much better in my room than when i seen one in store, due to a combination of better setup and the dim lighting, as opposed to the brightly lit shop.
I agree the colours do look a bit pale compared to some Lcd's, but when set up at home properly it's one of the best Plasma's around for just over £500.
As Max said really, no dead pixels on mine, one that sticks every now and then but you can only see it from about two feet away at most. I've seen this on a lot of screens from all manufacturers though - I've been looking for problems in other people's sets and everything that comes up in forums as problems has been visible to one degree or another on all the 40-50" screens my friends have. None have them had seen any problems themselves, it's when you go inspecting for them you notice! (and now I'm the mean friend who is pointing this out to people who were perfectly happy!)

I've had another tweak of mine now it's settled in fully and the blacks/colours are all looking very strong indeed. I think I've got it at 53 Brightness and 73 Contrast for the best possible balance. Too much higher on contrast and "white crush" on highlights will start to creep in - most noticeable on sports programmes where players have white clothing, starts to look like a "Daz" advert it's so unnaturally bright. This is with calibrating as well though so will vary a little from the standard settings.
Thank you guys, provided everything goes well with my old tv sale i ll be having mine by next week



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