AEJim:Never knew there was a WHF Fantasy league team! I play the official FPL game normally and managed a top 1000 place a couple of years back (out of 2 million
) - will have to get in on the action if you do one this year! Oh, and the "Metro" fantasy game looks the best this year, far better scoring system (even defensive midfielders can do great with points for tackles/passes etc) + live updates as the game takes place, none of that waiting until 11pm rubbish...
I'm in that one too. Metro that is.
The best one is the auction - Fantasy League Pro - I do it every year with a few mates and we all get hammered whilst bidding against each other for players, ie only one person in the league can get Rooney etc. It's a good laugh and very competitive all year. It costs, but it's well worth it just for the auction day, waking up the next morning and looking at who you've bought and thinking why oh why oh why!
PS I'm reigning champion, first time for about 6 years, which is nice.