5:1 Test tone to check speakers treble and bass


New member
Aug 10, 2019
My neighbour set up his new KEF system the other day, and his friend pointed out that both rear speakers' tweaters had gone. I could hear this from the Onkyo set up tones. If he hadn't picked up on it, he may never have noticed (you don't expect new stuff to be broken, so you presume the sound you hear is right).

Is there a test tone you can download to check the bass/treble on each speaker? My rears seem subdued, and I'm conscious it may just be in my mind now, after the neighbour's experience. Ever since I cranked up the volume for some music, my V+ box sound has gone considerably quieter. I'd just like to check all my speakers are working 100%.

As I have a PS3 with a USB I'd hope there is a test pack you can download from the internet, similar to a test card for the picture? I dont want to go through the set up again every time I want to check.

Any help appreciated!

(And a final thought, is there any benefit in swapping the 5 speakers around now and again, to change the rears/front/centre to help them all bed in?)
I have an old Aiwa brand bookshelf speaker specially designed for Aiwa Micro Compact system. Each box is driven by mid-bass and dome tweeter. They sound very good and balanced but surprisingly, both tweeters seem like not working. I keep this wonder myself for nearly nine years now..
I've had several damaged drivers, and I've found that the best way to check is to run a normal test tone from the AV Amp and hold your ear close to the tweeter (careful of your hearing though). You will hear the difference as you move your ear from the tweeter to the mid and bass drivers. If any are broken it will quickly become apparent.
My onk just chucks out a white noise, and I can't make anything out.
There must be a test tone on the net somewhere?!


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