37inch And My Budget Is £1,000


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am looking for a 37inch lcd and my budget is £1,000

i mainly want it for watching sports and also watching movies

What lcd should i buy? I would full HD aswell
Save your money. Panny 37PX80 can be had for less than £600. HD Ready, but you wont see the difference at this size.
i have been looking at the Panasonic TX-37LZD85 or Samsung LE37A656A 37

what do you think of these models for sport and also movies?
Andy and rewerb are right. I have the 37PX80 and sit about 8 feet away and at this distance enjoy a fantastic pic for the money (585 quid with 5 year guarantee). I watch mostly sport and Bluray from my PS3 and suffer watching Virgin SD pics (not that bad really)

If you are really concerned about spending all your cash then I'd move up to the Sony 40w4000. You can get them under 900 pounds (Digital Direct) and the Full HD pic is excellent.

As for size, well ,I will be buying a 46 inch for this lounge (moving the 37'' into the other lounge) so feel a 40' should be no prob for you. I'm not in a hurry though as the Panny is that good.

Good luck in your search.
Just wondering why you are so set on LCD. Plasma wins hands down for sport and movies

The Panasonic th37px80 is £600 and will completely wip all the 37" lcd's below £1000 for movies and sport in particular. Admitedly it is'nt full hd, but if you go down to your local panasonic store and ask for a blueray demo (full hd 1080p) between the px80 and a £900 lcd of the same size you will struggle to notice a conceivable difference, certainly not a £300-400 difference
What's your viewing distance? If it's over 6ft, you can forget about the benefits of Full HD on a screen that size. Either consider a top 40" set like the Sony W4000 or go for the plasma.

Totally agree with all the comments about the 37PX80. Just picked one up from John Lewis for less than £600(price-matched) a little while ago and it is a very good set.


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