- Adding room treatments[/b]. Testing bass traps and acoustic panels for the first time in my listeningroom resulted in vastly improved definition, soundstage and control.
- Bypassing automatic EQ. Setting my system to 'direct' using a good pre/amp combo have added greated sense of realism and superior transparency.
- Manual level calibration. Using a good quality SPL sound pressure level meter to set speaker levels have given more reliability and improved balance to the overall sound.
A year ago I didn't consider the above options. I relied fully on automatic set-up routines and the EQ supplied by my receiver, something I know a lot of people do. That can of course still deliver good results. But as I have found over time, particularly with new electronics at the helm, it was less than what I could achieve in my particular case. For the first time I'm not inclined to go back to using EQ-trickery or relying on automated measurements. Difficult rooms may always benefit from some of that, but I firmly believe now that a proper set-up and a bit of manual labour can be far superior.
Have YOU discovered anything particular that have revolutionized YOUR home cinema?
- Bypassing automatic EQ. Setting my system to 'direct' using a good pre/amp combo have added greated sense of realism and superior transparency.
- Manual level calibration. Using a good quality SPL sound pressure level meter to set speaker levels have given more reliability and improved balance to the overall sound.
A year ago I didn't consider the above options. I relied fully on automatic set-up routines and the EQ supplied by my receiver, something I know a lot of people do. That can of course still deliver good results. But as I have found over time, particularly with new electronics at the helm, it was less than what I could achieve in my particular case. For the first time I'm not inclined to go back to using EQ-trickery or relying on automated measurements. Difficult rooms may always benefit from some of that, but I firmly believe now that a proper set-up and a bit of manual labour can be far superior.
Have YOU discovered anything particular that have revolutionized YOUR home cinema?