Here is a quote from Benchmark HDR;s manual:
---------------- The problem with native USB audio devices has been their inability to stream audio at sample-rates over 48 kHz and at wordlengths over 16-bits. Benchmark's AdvancedUSB Audio™ technology extends bit-transparent native USB audio to resolutions up to and including 96 kHz, 24-bits. ------------
On the other hand, I hear that USB is (inherently?) limited to 16 bits.
So, how do these 2 statements stack together? does a DAC like Benchmark HDR suddently make USB out (e.g. on MacMIni) to do 24 bits? and, if yes, how? What are they on about?
---------------- The problem with native USB audio devices has been their inability to stream audio at sample-rates over 48 kHz and at wordlengths over 16-bits. Benchmark's AdvancedUSB Audio™ technology extends bit-transparent native USB audio to resolutions up to and including 96 kHz, 24-bits. ------------
On the other hand, I hear that USB is (inherently?) limited to 16 bits.
So, how do these 2 statements stack together? does a DAC like Benchmark HDR suddently make USB out (e.g. on MacMIni) to do 24 bits? and, if yes, how? What are they on about?