
bubobubo said:

here we can talk about anything about cd for us that are freak..

I consider myselft freak because i listen only to cd nothing else, but in many ways *biggrin*

are you a cd freak? why? *good**i-m_so_happy*
I like cds and have a very big collection of them

i like owning them I think they sound better then these streaming sites that you have to pay for every month .

the fact that I own instead of loaning they do not cost me anything every month that's common sense *smile*
my friend a agreed with you 1000000000 % i had buy from homepages and the music many times are compressed and who knows how they rip their music, maybe with media player lol *ROFL*

i buy cd and rip them with dBpoweramp Reference R16;[/b]

that alows me to rip in wave uncompressed easy and with all the tracks names ( so i dont know people said before that if you rip in wave you must write all the info by yourselft, well i had not do that;[/b]

dbpoweramp do it [/b]*biggrin**preved*

but even a cd freak like me, have, exeptions:

sometimes i buy from digital 7, 1 or 2 tracks and never over 48 khz because in that case i feel is litle a waste of time buying a cd that had like 20 tracks when i like only 1 or 2 tracks *beee*

have a nice day *biggrin*
Blacksabbath25 said:
I like cds and have a very big collection of them

i like owning them I think they sound better then these streaming sites that you have to pay for every month .

the fact that I own instead of loaning they do not cost me anything every month that's common sense *smile*

+1. I recently took up a free subscription to Spotify, not sure if I will continue after the trial ends. I have purchased about 6 CD's over the last two weeks that I hadn't previewed on Spotify and I'm well chuffed with my blind purchases, the cheapest was 47p the most expensive was £2.43.
I've been known to buy a CD just for one track!

It's fine ripping in WAV but it does not natively support tagging, FLAC does... I rip in WAV as a master file and then convert to FLAC, I keep both files... digital storage is cheap these days.
I was a "CD freak" until I learned the joys of lossless rips and streaming. Having got used to all my music being stored on a local network drive that I can stream to my speakers without quality loss, messing about with CDs to put some music on seems like a ritual from the dark ages.

But I've no problem at all if playing CDs floats your boat. Go for it.
MajorFubar said:
I was a "CD freak" until I learned the joys of lossless rips and streaming. Having got used to all my music being stored on a local network drive that I can stream to my speakers without quality loss, messing about with CDs to put some music on seems like a ritual from the dark ages.

But I've no problem at all if playing CDs floats your boat. Go for it. 
I remember my first CD player.it was about 1986 I think.didnt think that I would still be doing now.
I remember mine too

a Sony cdplayer from curry's I had to save for it which cost me £250 back then which was a lot of money back in 1988 and my first ever cd was dire straits brothers in arms .
I've bought about 20 CD's since Christmas!... I am a bit disturbed at some prices on Amazon these days... might just be my taste... Just bought one that was on sale there for over £100, but found it for £7.99 elsewhere.

I remember my first CDP, it was a Denon, paid about £250 for it and it was pretty poor, fortunately it didn't put me off and soon found the joy of silver disc once I bought a Marantz

Saying all of that, I do love Spotify via my DAC.


seemorebtts said:
I remember my first CD player.it was about 1986 I think.didnt think that I would still be doing now.
I bought my first one in October 1987 and I can even tell you what it was: it was a Pioneer PD-X88 that I bought from my mum's Brian Mills mail order catalogue on the never-never. I was 18 years old, and the first CD I bought - which I still own - was Changing Faces by 10cc and Godley & Creme. It set me back the quite considerable sum of £11.99 from WH Smith, but that's what CDs cost back then: about 50% more than the same album on record or tape.
my first cd was a portable sony walkman i wish i have it left they are really classics and i belive the first cd i had was guns n roses lies, i use to listen to patience over and over again and i still listen to these acoustic guns ... songs but have it now on *beee* MFSL version riped in wav *biggrin* *i-m_so_happy*
ps. before the cd i had a cassete portable one player in the end of the 80's and listen most pop
I've had about a dozen different players over the years, everything from budget to mid range. On the one hand I've been surprised by how two CD players can sound so different. Yet on the other hand I've also been surprised by how little difference in sound there is in general between all the CD players I have ever heard. It's not even close to the difference between the worst and best turntables I have heard, or the worst and best speakers I have heard. That's when I realised that if you want to improve the sound of your digital system but you already have an at least half decent CD player or digital source (eg streamer + DAC), chances are unless you already have mega-expensive speakers, any money you're going to throw at an upgrade to the digital source is probably better invested in speakers then amplification.
Well I was a bit of a break dancer back in the day..so it wasn't so much about hi-fi but how good your ghetto blaster was.lol.the cash we spent on those batteries back then.I loved the 80's electro albums back then...o the nostalgia I'll need to try and find them again.oh and it wasn't cd's we lusted over,vinyl.was the source and ..we mashed everything onto a good old c90 and hit the streets .lol.
I love CD's and oftern find myself defending them against the vinyl lovers who often put them down on the internet. However I hate storing them, I have so many that I have run out of room to store anymore.
CD's are still my favorite at the moment but I'm looking to experiment with streaming from my computer using Sonos. I am running out of room in my music room to store CD's. Even with my wonderful new toy - a LED magnifying glass - so that I can read the back of the CD's, I'm still struggling to read some of them. And I often these days spend quite some time rumaging about the room looking for a CD to play.

So when my tablet returns from being repaired, I am going to purhcase a Sonos Connect using a digital coaxial cable to feed into my dac module in my amp. Then I am going to play some music I have stored on my computer (various formats) and see how I get on. If the sound is as good (it should be) and I can find music easily and skip tracks as easily as I can with my CDP, then I might go down the NAS route. I can then clear my room of most of my CD's.

Also, using Spotify via a Chromecast Audio via RCA's into my amp does not compare to a CD.

I've also just compared my CDP and my DAC module (both have the same dac) using the same type of cable (Chord Clearway) and there is no difference really (surprise surprise). I can switch back and forth and I really can't tell the difference.
jonathanRD said:
CD's are still my favorite at the moment but I'm looking to experiment with streaming from my computer using Sonos. I am running out of room in my music room to store CD's. Even with my wonderful new toy - a LED magnifying glass - so that I can read the back of the CD's, I'm still struggling to read some of them. And I often these days spend quite some time rumaging about the room looking for a CD to play.

So when my tablet returns from being repaired, I am going to purhcase a Sonos Connect using a digital coaxial cable to feed into my dac module in my amp. Then I am going to play some music I have stored on my computer (various formats) and see how I get on. If the sound is as good (it should be) and I can find music easily and skip tracks as easily as I can with my CDP, then I might go down the NAS route. I can then clear my room of most of my CD's.  

Also, using Spotify via a Chromecast Audio via RCA's into my amp does not compare to a CD.

 I've also just compared my CDP and my DAC module (both have the same dac) using the same type of cable (Chord Clearway) and there is no difference really (surprise surprise). I can switch back and forth and I really can't tell the difference. 

The streaming bug seems to have bit me. The sound quality is surprisingly good and I don't have to get up from my my sofa to change the CD as I can do it from my smartphone, viva the laziness. I'm still going to buy CD's and rip them to my smartphone and PC in flac. Now if only I could stream a cup of tea to me.
Diamond Joe said:
Don't wait too long to get a Connect Jonathan, they're going up £70 on the 23rd of this month *shok*

Thanks for the tip!

They are £249 at the moment, and that's from Sonos via Amazon, so why would Sonos increase the price by £70? is there an upgrade or something?
jonathanRD said:
Diamond Joe said:
Don't wait too long to get a Connect Jonathan, they're going up £70 on the 23rd of this month *shok*

Thanks for the tip!

They are £249 at the moment, and that's from Sonos via Amazon, so why would Sonos increase the price by £70? is there an upgrade or something?
They're putting all of their products up because of the currently poor exchange rate, the Playbar and Sub are going up £100 each, eep! I think bigboss tipped us off a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't find his post.
Diamond Joe said:
jonathanRD said:
Diamond Joe said:
Don't wait too long to get a Connect Jonathan, they're going up £70 on the 23rd of this month *shok*

Thanks for the tip!

They are £249 at the moment, and that's from Sonos via Amazon, so why would Sonos increase the price by £70? is there an upgrade or something?
They're putting all of their products up because of the currently poor exchange rate, the Playbar and Sub are going up £100 each, eep! I think bigboss tipped us off a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't find his post.

OK thanks - I better get one quick then!


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