£500 system?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have now completed my quest, and it comprises of the following -

Marantz PM-66SE KI Signature Amplifier

Arcam Alpha 7 SE CD Player

NAD 533 Turntable with Goldring 1012GX

Rogers LS4a Speakers

Arcam rDock

Cambridge Audio 640P Phono Stage

B&W DM601 Stands (already shot filled)

All working and sounding beautiful, and I'm really warming to the LS4a's!
Happy days studiosignals.

Must admit, it's rare the first time poster whose writing in to say they're happy with their system!
the record spot:Happy days studiosignals.

Must admit, it's rare the first time poster whose writing in to say they're happy with their system!

I expect spending moooooore money will come! I just wanted to see if I could build a balanced system for 500 squids, I achieved it. It may not be the newest gear, but I'm very happy with it. Interesting browsing around seeing what other folk are up to, makes me feel like a miser!
I have the option of some very cheap KEF Coda 8's, would these be preferable to the LS4a's, or should I look at something a little newer?
Not heard either, but while the KEFs were very good, I think the Rogers were pretty decent too from memory...best have a listen and decide for yourself if you can. The Codas were well rated in the 1990s and the 8s were no slouches. Horses for courses I think.


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