£300-500 amp and speaker system.


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have recently gotten a significant (for a student) residual pay, and would like recommendations for a speaker system. I have looked into the many options at this price point, but coming from headphones, I still find it overwhelming. I listen primarily to independent music from the early eighties onwards, and common to almost all of it is the sub-par recording quality. I don't need speakers to 'flatter' the recordings, but I need speakers that are somewhat clear and agressive, in order to counteract the often 'recessed' sound of the music. The speakers should be able to project the sound capably in a small room, since I already have decent headphones (Grado 325i's) for personal listening.

I am looking for bookshelves (unless a very good argument is made for floorstanders), and I am open to active speakers.

I hope any of you can help me.
The Roth Oli 2s would be ideal in this situation, partnered with a NAD amp. This will give you the forward and detailed sound you need with just enough warmth from the NAD to give some body to the music. Don't be put off by the cheap price of the Roths - they are superb little monitors for small spaces.
Thank you for a great suggestion, I might just go for that. Which NAD amp would you recommend? is the C315BEE sufficient to drive them, or is there much to be gained from a more expensive model?
Well I've used the Roths with a C326BEE and I think it is worth the difference, although the C315BEE won't have any problems driving the Roths as they are a very easy load and it is still a great little amplifier.

A guy on ebay has some Roth Oli 2 (very nice cond ex demos) offered them to me for £65. A bargain.

He is on hols at the moment but I can hook you up if you are interested.
I am definitely interested, thank you so much!

my ebay profile is mortenhjohansen.
they were on play.com last week for 50 quid , brand new , dont know if that offer is still on though , worth checking out ...
They seem to be back to the standard price, thank you for the suggestion though. This is an extraordinarily helpful forum.
IMO the NAD C315BEE is a good amp but you'd be better off getting a decent 2nd hand NAD C320BEE via eBay

As for speakers I agree that the Roth Oli 2's are worth looking at but so would the B&W 601 S3's

In saying that though; if you do fancy some floorstanders the Acoustic Energy AE Neo 3's are well worth a demo (they'd sound superb with the NAD C320BEE) as would some 2nd hand Acoustic Energy AE 109's!

Dont forget you need to budget for speaker stands (if you go for standmount speakers); speaker cable and interconnects as well. The likes of the Chord Carnival Silverscreen speaker cable and the Chord Crimson interconnect will stand you in good stead
I have now ordered the Roth Oli 2's, along with the interconnects d_a_n mentioned, and a turntable (Pro-ject RPM 3). I got a used NAD 3020e amp from eBay, which I hope will work well with my speakers, and it has phono inputs, which saves from having to buy a phono stage. If it turns out it's not a good amp, not much money was wasted. This means I have a couple of hundred left for myself - or records.

Thank you all very much, you have been very helpful.
The NAD C3020 will drive them well. It waqs a v good amp and I've one in my loft getting dusty lol

IMO though I think you'd have been better going for a NAD C320BEE instead (in fact you still could and sell on the 3020)


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