£1000 on a new amplifier for Kudos X2 speakers sources: Rega P3/iTunes/Airport Express?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
All you good advice welcomed. I recently upgraded my speakers (to kudos X2) and turntable (to Rega P3) which has shown my old Amplifier (NAD C320BEE) to be a little average. Competant but flat.

So all ideas welcomed....I've been thinking the Naim Nait i5, Roksan Kandy or Cyrus....
The Kandy K2 is a corker. I thought it did it great job driving the Spendor A6.
All those you mention should be fine, but also look at the Densen B-110. Excellent amp and guaranteed for life.
how are you finding the Kudos X2 and what did they replace ?

they look like great little floorstanders but no-one near me stocks them that i can find anyway.
The Kudos X2s are brilliant. They replaced some very old NAD802 bookshelf speakers. Despite their compact size they deliver a large stage with excellent bass response and presence in the mid and uppers....highly recommended.
Great choice of speakers, the Kudos are superb, for a great match try a Sonneteer Alabaster, it is one of the best integrateds ever made, it just sounds so good, it will sound magical with the Kudos X2, give them so space and they'll produce a massive sound that belies their small size.
Thanks for the pointers...Densen and Sonneteer are not names I would have initially looked for but from the accounts I've read sound good...tricky to audition them so I will have to take a punt at some point.
+1for the kandy k2, buddy. Fits right in your budget if brand new is the order of the day...you'll even have a nice chunk of change left for cables and interconnects if so inclined...cheers!


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