buying advice

Forum discussion tagged with buying advice.
  1. F

    Please Help I'm New Here And I Need Advice For My Gear

    I'm going to build my new budget hifi desktop system. After many research I found many products. Speaker: Q Acoustics 3010i. Amp: Topping MX3s (DAC Built in). PLayer: Streamer From PC (Tidal). Cable: Audioquest Slip 16/2 2x2meters. BAnana Plug : Nakamichi. What do u guys think about this...
  2. ashic

    Bravia 9 75" vs A97L 65"

    I currently have the LG 960V 65 inch OLED. It's been decent, and was bought in 2013. I went into a store and modern TVs look so much better. Of course, being an OLED, I get inky blacks. However, I do see burn in, which I guess is inevitable given its age. Areas around logos, subtitles, etc. are...
  3. yz543887

    Question looking for suggestions :)

    Hi everyone, I’m based in Australia and I’m looking to purchase some speakers for my 3.3x6.9 (m) room, the height of the room is normal and there are two extra connected small rooms that I’d like to fill also with audio if possible, so total dimensions would be something like 5.1x6.9, however...
  4. A

    4k-5k euro setup

    Hi, I am very new to this stuff and I want to build a system for my apartment's living room (~ 20m square / 215 square feet). I have visited a few shop around me and demoed some systems but the guys at the shop did not give me the impression they know what they are selling. So I come here. I...