Recent content by someone_great

  1. S

    NAD D3020 vs TEAC AI-101DA

    I wish I could do that but it's not an option unfortunately. I'm asking if someone knowledgable could take a look at the specsheets and tell me which one looks better on paper. Or if someone happens to have experience with either. Cheers
  2. S

    NAD D3020 vs TEAC AI-101DA

    Thanks! Ive listened to the TEAC but it was with a pair of speakers i'd never heard before. I was auditioning the speakers rather than the amp. I'd say my budget is about 400 pounds. By small i simply mean the footprint. Both of these are about half the size of your regular amp.
  3. S

    NAD D3020 vs TEAC AI-101DA

    I would really appreciate som help choosing between these two amps. I am looking for something small with Bluetooth connectivity to power a pair of Totem Mite.