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Viewing thread Would Fosi T20 Tube Headphone Amp work as a sort of PreAmp to V3?

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      powerplay reacted to ToppingSMSL's post in the thread The DAC scam with Like Like.
      I've just explained to you why you cannot reliably tell differences with subjective listening. You think you are hearing differences but...
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      powerplay reacted to ToppingSMSL's post in the thread The DAC scam with Like Like.
      When does it ever happen that the store assistant checks volumes even with a dB meter? (which is t that accurate btw) It's not a...
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      powerplay posted the thread Hifi refresh/spring clean in Hi-Fi.
      Hi folks, Have been watching these fora for years and sporadically posting on avforums for a while. Good to be here, some interesting...
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      powerplay replied to the thread The DAC scam.
      Fascinating thread here, good old fashioned objective science vs subjective comparisons arguments going down, and interesting to read...
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