Recent content by Miguel Telles

  1. M


    Probably ;) ... I've been reading some reviews and don't think it's what I'm looking for...
  2. M


    Hello Marc5656 ;) I'm also new around here... Nice to meet you :) The best headphone I have right now is Massdrop 6xx... I love the sound but it's open back, and when I'm listening to headphones I like to be completely isolated from the exterior noise... So, I'm on the market for a good closed...
  3. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Update... So, I tried using it as a transport, plugging the cd player through a coax cable into the amplifier and... Issue solve! LOL :) What I take of all this is that newer dacs are not necessary better... Never crossed my mind, I must confess...
  4. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Always learning :) thanks
  5. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Haahahah... You are right :)... This is not the definitive position, I place them like this just to test them... But I never thought that placing the cd player above the amplifier would make any difference in the sound...
  6. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    That's my next option ;)... I´m just waiting for the cable...
  7. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Thanks for your reply :) Maybe I didn't explain myself properly... The Amp is not new, I have it for around 3 years... And the older cd player, beside the malfunction, with a little persistence it would play. So I was able to listen to the same CDs in bought players. Alternating between the...
  8. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Really? Do you think it would make difference?... Never thought about that :)
  9. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Yes, but it was a lot more money ;)... Couldn't find one, second hand...
  10. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    The cable is for my CA 851N streamer ;)... I just borrowed it to test the cd players... Do you think it's a waste of money?... I know that cables are a sensitive topic ;)... Just curious about your opinion... I'm not trying to start a war hehehehe
  11. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Off course ;)... And I used the same cable on both cd players ;) I'm thinking that I should look more into 90's gear... Maybe I will save a lot of money ;)...
  12. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha :)))))
  13. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    They should be good! They costed more then the CD Player LOL ;)... Qed Signature Audio 40
  14. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    That's what I'm thinking :)... It's cheaper then buying good cd players... lol
  15. M

    Question Is there something wrong with my hearing???

    Probably... But I don't listen to a lot of cds lately... So, in all honesty, I didn't put a lot of energy in this purchase... Just read some reviews... I'm hoping that using it as a transport would resolve the issue. If not... I guess it's going away... ;) What would be, in your opinion a...