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    • K
      kaibinwei replied to the thread TCL 85C805K.
      I am more concerned about image quality. Can someone tell me which one is better, TCL 85C805K or Sony K75XR90?
    • K
      kaibinwei replied to the thread TCL 85C805K.
      This is unbelievable. I think the comprehensive score should consider price, but the individual image quality score should not consider...
    • K
      kaibinwei replied to the thread TCL 85C805K.
      But surprisingly, the picture score of Sony K75XR90 is 4 points, while TCL's picture score is 5 points. May I ask where TCL's image...
    • K
      kaibinwei replied to the thread TCL 85C805K.
      Is it better than Sony Brivia 9? Why is Sony only rated 4 stars
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