Recent content by Bradnett

  1. B

    Also found this speaker cable 79 strand

    Thanks for advice , that TLC speaker cable did the the job + was thin enough to make it easy to hide!
  2. B

    Also found this speaker cable 79 strand 79 strand but 0.14 thickness for over 16m?
  3. B

    Also found this speaker cable 79 strand

    Tempted by adhesive backed instead of clips or trunking
  4. B

    Also found this speaker cable 79 strand 79 strand and adhesive backed but does that cable thickness mean it's less effective over long runs? Sorry to go on but this cable thing is quite confusing! Cheers!
  5. B

    Budget speaker cable advice please

    Ended up going for the 79 strand TLC 2.5mm , hopefully that will do the job!
  6. B

    Budget speaker cable advice please

    Thanks Bill , so you don't rate the QED stuff then as I saw that quite cheap somewhere anyway.
  7. B

    Budget speaker cable advice please

    Hello , quick bit of advice please..... Will I get away with Qed 42 strand speaker cable with two lengths (1 x 16m & 1 x 10m) and still get a decent sound out of it. Need a cable easy to hide and monies a bit tight! Denon Ceol RCD-N8 & Q Acoustic 3010 Speakers Thanks in advance