Recent content by Benjizerodevos

  1. Benjizerodevos

    Qobuz Payment Method Error

    Yeah I pretty much gave up on Qobuz. Their customer service acts like they'd respond, but they never did for too long that I'm pretty sure that the US store of Qobuz is not available.
  2. Benjizerodevos

    Qobuz Payment Method Error

    It turns out. It's just they, in general, can not process the payment for me. So, it's probably something that isn't going to be able to be fixed for a while. I'm just not going to be able to shop on Qobuz.
  3. Benjizerodevos

    Qobuz Payment Method Error

    Yeah they haven't come back to me for a while either, so I'm guessing the Qobuz store might not be available yet in the U.S. other than their streaming part of Qobuz. Though, I have not been able to use the store any way shape or form because of this error blocking my way to put in a payment method.
  4. Benjizerodevos

    Question Is there such thing as a website that sells music videos?

    Like I noticed that iTunes sells digital music videos, but is there such thing as a website that sells digital music videos like iTunes when looking for an alternative because of not wanting to deal with Apple anymore? I just wondered because sometimes I try to find music videos on Youtube just...
  5. Benjizerodevos

    Qobuz Payment Method Error

    So far the billing department has to look into it for a while.
  6. Benjizerodevos

    Qobuz Payment Method Error

    You see I wondered if the subscription is something I'd need to have a way to set up a payment method for their download store. But, I'm not exactly sure. Because reading about their subscriptions, it just seems like for streaming purposes, but not sure if that membership is including for to...
  7. Benjizerodevos

    Qobuz Payment Method Error

    Idk. It kept doing it to the point I had to contact the support. And even after that it seems like if it's just not available in my area or something. Is the download store of Qobuz available in the US?
  8. Benjizerodevos

    Qobuz Payment Method Error

    Anyone else receiving the error that is keeping them from adding payment methods on Qobuz? "Update your payment method We couldn't access your methods of payment because of a technical problem. If the problem persists, please contact Customer Service."