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      matt49 replied to the thread Which standmounts to demo ?.
      KEF Q3 Meta A good rule of thumb is always to audition whichever KEF model suits your budget/needs.
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      matt49 reacted to Fandango Andy's post in the thread First HiFi for a teenager? with Like Like.
      Good shout, and incidentally there is a pair of Linton 2's on ebay at the moment for £39.99 or best offer. Cabinets look ropey but...
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      matt49 replied to the thread First HiFi for a teenager?.
      Coincidentally my first system, given to me by my dad in 1978 when I was 14, cost around £230. Pioneer PL-512 NAD 3020 AR18s The amp and...
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      matt49 replied to the thread iFi Zen Phono 3 vs. Rega MM MK5.
      OK probably best we end this. We’re arguing from entirely different premises.
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      matt49 replied to the thread iFi Zen Phono 3 vs. Rega MM MK5.
      You’re right of course: the Denon is a bit of an outlier price-wise for MC cartridges. But, whilst not wanting to be overly...
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      matt49 reacted to rayolight's post in the thread Problem with PMC PRODIGY 1 with Like Like.
      Thanks for your input Matt,it really is a beautiful piece of kit ,had it serviced recently by a vintage hifi specialist, he reckoned it...
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      matt49 replied to the thread iFi Zen Phono 3 vs. Rega MM MK5.
      Well, as someone who uses a low output MC cartridge that cost under £400 ('only' £250 when I bought it two years ago), I'm obviously...
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      matt49 replied to the thread iFi Zen Phono 3 vs. Rega MM MK5.
      If it were me, I'd ask myself how certain I was that I wouldn't change my mind about MC cartridges. Future-proofing is surely wise, no?
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      matt49 replied to the thread Problem with PMC PRODIGY 1.
      That Pioneer pre/power combo is a classic amp from the golden age of Japanese hi-fi. I'm not surprised it sounds great!
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      matt49 replied to the thread Dirac - we need to talk.
      The physics of room acoustics dictates that each and every main speaker (i.e. one that puts out significant SPL below the Schroeder...
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      matt49 replied to the thread Dirac - we need to talk.
      No hi-fi system will give its best without some form of bass management. That's just basic physics. I'd fully expect people who buy a...
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      matt49 replied to the thread first time dirac live user.
      Have you tried searching on the internet? e.g. "dirac live loudness management"?
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      matt49 replied to the thread Chord Anni - speakers?.
      I'm also sceptical about the Qutest + Anni combination, for the same reason. It's over £2000, and that's a lot of money to remove from...
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      Yes, the 3020 is one of those historic hi-fi products. Ironically, my current main system includes an amp that was manufactured...
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      matt49 replied to the thread first time dirac live user.
      Moving the lines will adjust the target frequency response that Dirac aims for when it does its calculation. Don't touch the right-hand...
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