'Zodiac' apparently holds the honour of being the first film shot entirely in 1080p high definition with digital Thompson Viper Filmstream cameras. As such, the Blu-ray edition's 1080p/AVC-encoded transfer has been pressed straight from its digital source
So why can't all films be made like this and are we therefore being sold short on the transfer quality of many other Blu Ray discs
I haven't seen Zodiac yet but intend to get it soon on Blu Ray...but I also suspect that just perhaps this movie should have got top honours over No Country for Old Men which quite frankly bored the long johns of me and which I'm so glad I didn't have to buy as a work colleague lent it to me
So why can't all films be made like this and are we therefore being sold short on the transfer quality of many other Blu Ray discs
I haven't seen Zodiac yet but intend to get it soon on Blu Ray...but I also suspect that just perhaps this movie should have got top honours over No Country for Old Men which quite frankly bored the long johns of me and which I'm so glad I didn't have to buy as a work colleague lent it to me