Not at all, just look around on ebay, really not that hard to prove my point. 600 series fetch small fortunes and always very hard to find In good working order. crumpled cones, split tweeters are the most common.
Im fully aware a 20 year old speaker Is never going to be spotless but for the prices they're charging they need sound and look as they should. A chip on the box isnt going to ruin your day.
Lets run a quick search
The first thing to pop up!
585 quid low and behold, look crumpled bass drivers, but in otherwise good condition, overdriven leave well alone. Come on 600 quid with delivery/petrol/man with a van.
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What can I get for 600 quid or less! kef referance 104/2 299 quid flawless for there age ! 2 second search found them straight away, I know what id rather buy. What did these retail for back in the day 2-3k the above 700-800quid I remember looking at them.
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Next on the list
601's blown rubber on cones 150 quid they want, 150quid! they'll disintegrate as soon as you use them 10 quid all day long is all they're worth, you'll never find a replacement cone let along 2.
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Im just scratching the surface there's 200 pages in this search I just run......
lets look at another brand.
Mission 700's, what are these 30 years old! immaculate 30 quid not even any rust on the woofer mounting bolts. 1 page searching for mission 700's all in good to amazing condition by the looks of it.
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This is not a generalisation, page after page of B&W budget line speakers are in awful condition for what ever reason and people charging through the roof for them, the sad part is people are watching them and buying them. Sure they're are some diamonds in the rough but there few and fair between and because they know there in brilliant condition there prices are even higher. There just not worth it.
Ill repeat Its a brand unless bought from a dealer preowned to stay away from on ebay.
Thats the last ill say on the matter.