Which Amp to upgrade to from Rotel RA-04?


New member
Oct 30, 2007
Hi everyone,

I have been using Rotel RA-04 with my B&W 685s for the last 3 years and wondering if I were to upgrade the Amp what will be the most obvious upgrade path from Rotel considering that it MUST have tone controls as I sometimes listen to very old home made cassette recordings which almost always require a degree of tonal adjustment?

I am looking for something more powerful and revealing than the Rotel and since I like a bit of treble (tamed not harsh) in my music, I have been considering the CA Azur 840A and the 650A. Also having read on numerous forums that the CA amps are a little bright and better matched to warm speakers. RS is clearing out 840A v1 for £399 and selling 650A for £350.

So my first question is, which of these CA amps, if any, be a good match for my speakers?

Secondly, if CA 840A is any good for the B&Ws, how does it compare to other amps at this price level?

Any other Amp suggestions?

My budget is around £400 and would prefer new but will be willing to consider used if there is something really good available.

Last week I had a chance to listen to the new Marantz PM6003 with B&W 685 at Sevenoaks and thought that until I switched the loudness button on the sound was very thin and lifeless at lower volumes. With the loudness on there was more punch but the midrange became a bit muffled and not so clear.

Having never heard anything other than the Rotel or Marantz I have no clue as to which way to go. My local RS does not have the facility to do a listening test.

Any help is appreciated.


There's nothing new that I'd change your amp for. If you're sticking to your £400 budget, look at second hand Rotels. Many budget amps lack the Rotel's punch.
if you buy a 650 over a 840 at basically the same money, i'm going to come to your house and beat you up!

seriously though, i doubt there is any comparison - the 840 should walk it.

it might offer a much tighter bass sound then you are used to, which might make it seem less punchy. hopefully someone who has heard both will be along soon

Hi everyone,

I have been using Rotel RA-04 with my B&W 685s for the last 3 years and wondering if I were to upgrade the Amp what will be the most obvious upgrade path from Rotel considering that it MUST have tone controls as I sometimes listen to very old home made cassette recordings which almost always require a degree of tonal adjustment?

I am looking for something more powerful and revealing than the Rotel and since I like a bit of treble (tamed not harsh) in my music, I have been considering the CA Azur 840A and the 650A. Also having read on numerous forums that the CA amps are a little bright and better matched to warm speakers. RS is clearing out 840A v1 for £399 and selling 650A for £350.

So my first question is, which of these CA amps, if any, be a good match for my speakers?

Secondly, if CA 840A is any good for the B&Ws, how does it compare to other amps at this price level?

Any other Amp suggestions?

My budget is around £400 and would prefer new but will be willing to consider used if there is something really good available.

Last week I had a chance to listen to the new Marantz PM6003 with B&W 685 at Sevenoaks and thought that until I switched the loudness button on the sound was very thin and lifeless at lower volumes. With the loudness on there was more punch but the midrange became a bit muffled and not so clear.

Having never heard anything other than the Rotel or Marantz I have no clue as to which way to go. My local RS does not have the facility to do a listening test.

Any help is appreciated.



Hi Nadeem

The 840A is the one to go for. Another amp that should work well with your B&W speakers is the NAD C355. The Cambridge and the NAD are an upgrade from the RA-04.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Hi everyone,

I have been using Rotel RA-04 with my B&W 685s for the last 3 years and wondering if I were to upgrade the Amp what will be the most obvious upgrade path from Rotel considering that it MUST have tone controls as I sometimes listen to very old home made cassette recordings which almost always require a degree of tonal adjustment?

I am looking for something more powerful and revealing than the Rotel and since I like a bit of treble (tamed not harsh) in my music, I have been considering the CA Azur 840A and the 650A. Also having read on numerous forums that the CA amps are a little bright and better matched to warm speakers. RS is clearing out 840A v1 for £399 and selling 650A for £350.

So my first question is, which of these CA amps, if any, be a good match for my speakers?

Secondly, if CA 840A is any good for the B&Ws, how does it compare to other amps at this price level?

Any other Amp suggestions?

My budget is around £400 and would prefer new but will be willing to consider used if there is something really good available.

Last week I had a chance to listen to the new Marantz PM6003 with B&W 685 at Sevenoaks and thought that until I switched the loudness button on the sound was very thin and lifeless at lower volumes. With the loudness on there was more punch but the midrange became a bit muffled and not so clear.

Having never heard anything other than the Rotel or Marantz I have no clue as to which way to go. My local RS does not have the facility to do a listening test.

Any help is appreciated.



Hi Nadeem

The 840A is the one to go for. Another amp that should work well with your B&W speakers is the NAD C355. The Cambridge and the NAD are an upgrade from the RA-04.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

Like David said for the budget there's nothing that would seriously outgun 04. Therefore, I would personally bi-amp a Rotel power amp. This should give you tighter bass allied to more power and detail.
Try out an Exposure 2010 amp, either the original or the "S" version. The original you'll get used for about £250 or so, the "S" has now been superseded by the latest SE version, so might be around the £450 mark. Meant to be a bit of a rocker, with good detail and a deep bass. I'd be looking here ahead of the Cambridge kit.

Minimalist though, so bear this in mind.
Look for a used Roksan Kandy LIII integrated amp. That would be a excellent upgrade, IMO. I've had the Rotel and the Roksan so I can attest to both.
ValianTX:Look for a used Roksan Kandy LIII integrated amp. That would be a excellent upgrade, IMO. I've had the Rotel and the Roksan so I can attest to both.

The Kandy LIII will be far better than the Rotel RA-04, but I fear it is outside the OP's budget. Hence why I mentioned the power amp option. You get all the inputs, retain the wonderful character of Rotel with the added oomph....
plastic penguin:
ValianTX:Look for a used Roksan Kandy LIII integrated amp. That would be a excellent upgrade, IMO. I've had the Rotel and the Roksan so I can attest to both.

The Kandy LIII will be far better than the Rotel RA-04, but I fear it is outside the OP's budget. Hence why I mentioned the power amp option. You get all the inputs, retain the wonderful character of Rotel with the added oomph....

I have seen a used LIII go for just over £400.00. Alternatively, he will definitely be able to get a Roksan Kandy MK3 for under £350.00. I have had this too, and to my ears, the LIII isn't superior by very much.

ChrisMM:Penguin - which Rotel power amp and how do you connect it?

It was the RB-03 about two years ago. I couldn't tell you whether it was bi-amped or not. The shop had it rigged before I arrived. Sounded ruddy good, though.

.....I would love to bi-amp my Arc....
In terms of the Cambridge amps I'd opt for the 840A over the 650A. The 650A is a fine amp, but has a tendency towards excessive brightness whereas the 740A and 840A are better balanced whilst maintaining high levels of detail.

Personally though I'd be looking at NAD, and I think the recommendation of the C355BEE is a good one. NAD amps work brilliantly with the 685s and will give you detail, drive, good treble, superlative bass and a thoroughly involving sound. I personally think my C326BEE is a better amp than the Rotel RA-04, but the C355BEE would be a substantial upgrade for you IMO.
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your suggestions and views. As I mentioned earlier tone controls are a must for me in an amp so I cannot consider any amp without them.

Today on my way back from work I stopped at the local Richers and asked the dealer if CA 840A be a good match for my B&Ws and he told me that besides being very revealing sometimes the treble may become a little harsh because the B&Ws have a metal dome tweeter. Is it true that this amp may be very bright with speakers having metal dome tweeters or just with B&W 685?

Anyway, they told me that they have 1 new 840a v1 in stock but the only thing is that it is in silver and I wanted black. When asked if I could return it if I did not like the sound with my speakers, they said that I could within 30 days and they will fully refund the money without any charge.

Though I am willing to consider any other amps which have the tone controls and will sound really open and clear with my speakers, one thing I am not looking for is a very warm sounding amp. I want an amp which sounds exciting and very clear and with the feedback I have received from you guys about the CA 840A it seems like the one to go for so I am going to give it a try.

Thanks to everyone who replied and I hope that it turns out to be a cracking amp for me.



Just read this thread on the forum about the build quality of CA 840A v1, is it really that bad?




The Cambridge is very aquired taste IMO. Going the Rotel route is not only a good option, but the best. Rotel and B&W operate from the same factory.

As regards the Cambridge (only heard the budget models) is a little dicey. Not sure the synergy will be that good.
Hi Nadeem,

If you have the chance of a 30 day trial with the CA 840A take it. I have the 840v2. It's a great sounding amp with loads of controlled power. Very spacious and detailed sound. I think you will like it.

Please report back and tell us all what you think.

Hi Nadeem,

If you have the chance of a 30 day trial with the CA 840A take it. I have the 840v2. It's a great sounding amp with loads of controlled power. Very spacious and detailed sound. I think you will like it.

Please report back and tell us all what you think.


I finally took the plunge and bought a black 840A v1 from Richers today.

First impressions after I took it out of the box, it weighs and looks like a beast, feels very solidly built and a very impressive front panel in my opinion.

I let it warm up for 15 minutes before I played the first CD and it sounded a bit forward but at the same time very detailed from the beginning. After only an hours use the sound became even more open and detailed with the initial excessive brightness almost disappearing and what I could hear was a very detailed and controlled treble.

I got a little concerned at first when I played the first CD (MJ's Thriller), when I had to crank the volume up to -35db exactly half the maximum volume to attain the same level of sound as my Rotel RA-04 at 9 O' clock position. But when I put in one of the relatively new recordings it got louder. Is the Thriller album recorded at a lower volume or is there something wrong with the amp?

I only got a chance to play it for a couple of hours today and I think it will be the same all week so its going take longer for it to run in but I am very impressed with the level of detail I am getting with it.

One question though, is there any way to run in an amp without having to listen to it 24 hours a day and without leaving your place? Can the volume be turned down completely during this process?

Anyway, I think that it sounds great with my speakers. I have already started to like this amp and although, I have the opportunity to return it within 30 days, I don't think that I will, if it keeps on sounding the same.

Thanks everyone for your views and suggestions which helped me to make up my mind.


The 740A/840A/840E have very conservative volume/gain controls. You can crank it to near maximum (0) without clipping. Your old Rotel probably clips at around half-point in the volume knob.


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