What would you buy for £1,200


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Cambridge Audio 650 combo plus MS Aviano6 as advertised in Richer Sounds?

Marantz 6003 combo plus MS Aviano6? Although I have been warned that amp not up to task so what speakers? and has anyone any opinions on this?

Yamaha AS500, Marantz CD6003 plus MS Aviano6?

Some other creative suggestion....

The room is 15ft x 15ft and I like everything from Gerry Rafferty to Calvin Harris.

Haven't bought anything for 15 years since my Marantz PM44SE (packed in and replaced with PM6003 last year), CD 52 MKII and Mission 760iSE combo which I love and is in another room.
i'd buy a marantz mcr603, a pair of dynaudio dm 2/7s and a set of stands for about £80.

that should even leave some change, maybe £150...
Spendor 8se, Cyrus 8vs2 & Arcam rdac with just under £200 left to save up for power supply upgrades. Oh buying new. I wouldn't.


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