What? ...LCDs up there with the best of Plasmas?


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi guys,

Initially today I was just confused between Panasonic's new 11th gen 46PZ85 against the 2007 Pioneer PDP-508XD

See this discussion thread here http://whathifi.co.uk/forums/t/113677.aspx

...Now some 5 hrs later I find myself even more confused as some people seem to consider the Sony 46W4000 - LCD mind you - to be a worthy competitor of the Panny - even on black levels...

Did I just sleep through class or is there something about Sony and LCD? Are they seriously up there with the best of plasmas?

Any informed piece of mind will be appreciated...



The Sony is considered to be the best LCD out there currently. However, the picture on an LCD versus a Plasma do look quite different in terms of colour, contrast, etc... The Sony would still lose to the Pioneer in terms of black levels, etc. but I'm not sure about the Panasonic though. Do a side by side comparison and see which one you prefer. It's a bit like comparing apples and oranges.


As an owner of both LCD and Plasma I would have to think that Plasma is the better display technology as long as you are willing to take common sense precautions to manage the risk of image retention.

However, it is clear that LCD technology is improving at a faster rate compared to Plasma. Part of the reason for this is pretty simple - this is where most of the investment in the industry is going.

Having said that, the best LCDs are still not as good as Plasma but I doubt that anyone who purchases the top of the range Sony's will be dissapointed - unless perhaps they have already owned a Kuro.

I suspect that LCD technology will take a huge leap once they perfect LED backlighting as is the case with the upcoming Triluminos range of Sony LCDs in Autumn. Viewing angle will still not be up with Plasmas but lets face it - its still clearly watchable from extreme viewing angles - if you want the best picture for movies then in theory you should be seated directly in front of the TV in any case. Motion blur is also less of an issue these days with modern LCDs with 100hz and faster response times (particularly with HD programming).


I'm really curious as to how the new Kuro LCDs will compare to the Plasmas. Hofully, we'll get some reviews soon...

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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seakingadvice:I'm really curious as to how the new Kuro LCDs will compare to the Plasmas. Hofully, we'll get some reviews soon...

Hopefully we'll get some product soon...


Well, i wouldn expect miracles form KURO LCDs, since Pioneer states 10.000:1 dynamic contrast ratio... Although, they have custom made (reflective) filters to improve perception of colours and black level... Although, i bet it will beat Korean TVs with stated zillion to 1 contrast ratio :)


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