I recently bought a Marantz PM 4001 amp and marantz 5001 CD and resorted back to my old hifi kenwood KA 3060R amp big brother to the Kenwood KA 3020 SE and Denon DCD315, i was not impressed with the marantz CD player as i found the treble metalic sounding and not natrual with the Marantz amp. The problem with the amp is that its not powefull enough for the size of my room, in smaller rooms it sound good but in my room it lacks bottom end anyway i've given them away. I plan to keep my amp Kenwood amp as it sound better than i thought compaired to the Marantz PM4001. My problem now is i want to upgrade my CD player my budget is £150-£160. The Cambridge Audio 340, Nad 515BEE,Denon DCD 500 AE are on my shortlist which will give me the best quality and sound stageing with a more natural sound than the Marantz CD player, would the Denon be a up grade to my current player because i heard it got a 2 star rating but have not seen the review. I like delicate treble not harsh like the marantz.