Vinyl-only system


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Apr 28, 2013
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Well, the moment has finally come! I've saved up for a very very very long time and now I am in the the position to get myself a new setup after over 12 years of listening to records on thrown-together, used hand-me-downs. I was wondering if there are any other vinyl enthusiasts who could possibly point me in the right direction as I'm going to start from scratch. I have read tons of reviews, gone through loads of forums, but I'd love to hear some opinions specifically about vinyl. I'll start by answering some of the usual questions:

Budget: £2200 - £2500

Type of music: Mainly soul, Modern Indie, New Wave, Electronic, Alternative, Grunge. Occasionally Jazz, Classical, Classic Rock, Prog. Seldomly Folk, Acoustic, Country, Singer-Songwriter.

Format: Mainly vinyl. I work in a record shop and I own and have access to lots of great second hand records. I may also use the set-up for an occasional film and although it's normally reserved for the commute to work, I may use Spotify to preview albums.

Size of room: 5m x 6m. When listening I'll probably be 3-4M away from the speakers.

Room decoration: Quite minimal, far from lush with no cushions, carpeting, etc. Just two small couches, and a table. (I am going to decorate my sitting room with sound)

Wife or other restrictions: None. Girlfriend said I can do whatever I want. We'll see how long that lasts :

The sound I like: I like sound that would be punchy with a good amount of clarity and ability to single out the intricacies of the instruments. I would like the recordings to be represented well, allowing the superior albums to rise to the top.

Usual listening volume: Medium to loud, never soft.

Previous systems: Probably the best set-up I ever had was a Technics SU 810 integrated amp (, Technics SL1200 MK3D, Monstorous Sansui speakers (don't know the number, but they were over a meter tall and heavy as hell), Stanton Discmaster Cartridge & D3 Stylus.

I'm in a bit of a predicament because I am in rural Ireland and although there seem to be a couple showrooms in Dublin, neither of them seem to have what I would be considering buying all together in one spot. There's gonna be some blind purchasing at some point. For instance, I am deciding between the Pro-Ject Carbon Esprit SE, Xperience or the Rega RP3, but I am only able to find one dealer that sells the Rega, but nothing else. I am also interested in the Arcam FMJ A19, but nobody seems to have it in stock here. Any suggestions? Here's a full list of what I am considering in speakers: KEF LS50's, Monitor Audio Silver Rx6, Dynaudio DM3/7, Rega Rs5. Turntables: Listed above. Amps: Denon PMA720AE, Rega Brio R, Arcam FMJ A19.

Sorry if this is turning into a novel. I just don't really know how to proceed to get the right working combination. Should I just get the KEF's because everyone across the board seems to rave about them and use those as a starting point? Also, if you have any other Amp ideas or info as to whether or not I should get a phono stage, I am open to any suggestions. Cheers in advance.



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Jun 2, 2008
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Get a working Thorens TD 160 (or 166) from ebay and send it off to Inspire Hi-fi for their Thorens upgrade package. (Add £120 to get a Rega RB251 arm fitted).

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Rega Brio R or new Creek 50A or Naim Nait 5i (plus Rega Fono-Mini phono pre-amp ).

You should still have enough left for some of the speaker options you listed and even more if you shop around for some good ex-demo options.

I would go for a Naim Nait 5i + Rega RS5s.


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Aug 21, 2009
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Hello again.

There are some good dealers in Ireland, but you may not get what you are looking for in one store and may need to come North.

I am very familiar with two of the best dealers (Kronos and Lyric) here and am aware of the third, so if I can be of any help, just shout:





Rega, Arcam, Linn, Naim and Kef can all be heard at Lyric Hifi, so a phone call to Michael would set up a could well be worth the round trip

Kronos also have a good selection of the lesser known, but very musical kit (Musical Fidelity, Electrocompaniet, Peachtree, Spendor, Focal etc)

Ardhowen do brands like Sugden, Project and Croft

Good Luck with it all



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Apr 28, 2013
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chebby said:
Get a working Thorens TD 160 (or 166) from ebay and send it off to Inspire Hi-fi for their Thorens upgrade package. (Add £120 to get a Rega RB251 arm fitted).

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Rega Brio R or new Creek 50A or Naim Nait 5i (plus Rega Fono-Mini phono pre-amp ).

You should still have enough left for some of the speaker options you listed and even more if you shop around for some good ex-demo options.

I would go for a Naim Nait 5i + Rega RS5s.

Cheers Chebby. I've bought a few 2nd hand TT's from eBay and from previous experiences people don't really seem to pack them right or the courier tosses the box around and I would hate for something to happen to it en route to Inspire Hi-Fi. More times than not it costs more to send stuff back over to the UK than what the item is worth. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a cheap enough Thorens, because it seems like it could be worth the risk.


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CnoEvil said:
Hello again.

There are some good dealers in Ireland, but you may not get what you are looking for in one store and may need to come North.

I am very familiar with two of the best dealers (Kronos and Lyric) here and am aware of the third, so if I can be of any help, just shout:





Rega, Arcam, Linn, Naim and Kef can all be heard at Lyric Hifi, so a phone call to Michael would set up a could well be worth the round trip

Kronos also have a good selection of the lesser known, but very musical kit (Musical Fidelity, Electrocompaniet, Peachtree, Spendor, Focal etc)

Ardhowen do brands like Sugden, Project and Croft

Good Luck with it all


That's great, thanks for the info CNO. I'm gonna give Cloney a shout and see what I can do regarding organising a trip up to Lyric. As I'm a beginner to purchasing Hi-Fi, is it common to find everything you're looking for with one dealer or is it normally piecing it together from different outfits depending on the brands they stock (and obviously price)? I like the idea of going to one place for all my needs, but that probably isn't realistic if you want to get the best possible. Cheers man.

Anybody else have any recommendations or suggestions to assist me on any kit that they'd stand by for a vinyl system?


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Nicky-Distance said:
chebby said:
Get a working Thorens TD 160 (or 166) from ebay and send it off to Inspire Hi-fi for their Thorens upgrade package. (Add £120 to get a Rega RB251 arm fitted).

More here...

Rega Brio R or new Creek 50A or Naim Nait 5i (plus Rega Fono-Mini phono pre-amp ).

You should still have enough left for some of the speaker options you listed and even more if you shop around for some good ex-demo options.

I would go for a Naim Nait 5i + Rega RS5s.

Cheers Chebby. I've bought a few 2nd hand TT's from eBay and from previous experiences people don't really seem to pack them right or the courier tosses the box around and I would hate for something to happen to it en route to Inspire Hi-Fi. More times than not it costs more to send stuff back over to the UK than what the item is worth. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a cheap enough Thorens, because it seems like it could be worth the risk.

Indeed. My Garrard came damaged so I decided to drive and collect the Thorens. Couriers (and on occasions senders) can be useless.

I also see you had/have a Technics SL1200. There are numerous ways of improvng on this apparently very good basic TT too so perhaps worth going down that route.



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I believe that.

I think there are some NOS units with one of the modifiers still but can't remember who it was unfortunately. - If I had the money thats probably where I'd put it, perhaps with an SME but we are talking over £2k.

Short of that, chebby's suggestion of using an Inspire upgrade to a s/h Rega or Thorens makes sense too. Another TT that looks nice and has been reviewed well is Clearaudio's Concept at just over £1000.



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Jul 25, 2011
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I'd go for Naim or NAD plus Neat floor standers. Turntable I'd think either the Rega or the Pro-ject, but with an upgraded cartridge like the entry level Dynavectors.

I'm assuming the budget is for the enitre system, so would spend most on the speakers and turntable.


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Nicky-Distance said:
That's great, thanks for the info CNO. I'm gonna give Cloney a shout and see what I can do regarding organising a trip up to Lyric. As I'm a beginner to purchasing Hi-Fi, is it common to find everything you're looking for with one dealer or is it normally piecing it together from different outfits depending on the brands they stock (and obviously price)? I like the idea of going to one place for all my needs, but that probably isn't realistic if you want to get the best possible. Cheers man.

Anybody else have any recommendations or suggestions to assist me on any kit that they'd stand by for a vinyl system?

There is another "old school" dealer called Moores (Newtownards):

They do brands like Creek, Naim, Spendor, Project and Proac.

With the motorway, Dublin to Belfast is under 2 Hours.

Belfast to Dungannon (Kronos) is about 1 Hour

Belfast to Enniskillen (Ardhowen) is about 1.5 Hrs

Belfast to Newtownards is half an hour (Moores)

I have heard the LS50s, and you are right to put them high on your list.

Let us know how you get on, and I have no doubt that you will be able to put a good system together from these they all have customer service and satisfaction at their heart, rather than making a quick buck.


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Jan 20, 2012
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You could buy the AVI ADM 9RS/RSS, which are active speakers containing: remote controlled pre-amp, power amps matched to the speakers with DAC as well. They have 1 analogue and 2 optical inputs and mains and connecting cables. They are stand-mount and go very loud without ever getting congested and incoherent. I have an earlier model [they have been improved, particularly in the bass dept.] and they will fill your room easily and although seen as digital source speakers they are equally loved by vinyl junkies.

This will leave you approximately £1000 to spend on your vinyl source and there have been suggestions about this already. You would need a phono amp but this can all be done within budget.

Best of luck, your budget will allow excellent vinyl enjoyment, particularly if you go for the AVI ADM 9RS/RSS system.



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Dec 3, 2002
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I think Chebby's suggestion to consider Inspire HiFi is excellent; you could consider their own TTs as well as their upgrades.
Also, get a Graham Slee phono preamp. They are superb. Check out his owners club forum.


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Dec 29, 2012
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If you want high volume in that room size I would look at some more powerful amps like the Roksan Kandy K2 which is about £700, esp. with speakers like the LS50s, check out phono stages on amps as well. For some of your music not sure the Arcam would be the best choice, if could try the new Creek 50A which is getting very good reviews and beat the ARcam in a group test in another hifi mag.


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altruistic.lemon said:
Do you know a dealer in Ireland, relocated, so he can compare with the other, and it has to be said there are many, options?

Strange though it may seem, NO I don't; but I do know that people in Ireland buy and love AVI ADM products.

I dug this - "There's gonna be some blind purchasing at some point" - out for you lemon. It's what the OP said when he started the thread. The OP is realistic enough, just like the rest of us, to know that you can't hear everything that you might like to.

There are indeed many options, lemon, which is why I added to the options already proffered by other helpful participants.


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Jul 25, 2011
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Fair enough, but it would be good if you could point out the other options - the wireless Dynaudios, for example, or the other active speaker options.

In this instance, the Dyns might be more suitable, since you could then locate the turntable where you wanted with the controller next to it, no need for messy cables everywhere.

shropshire lad

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altruistic.lemon said:
Fair enough, but it would be good if you could point out the other options - the wireless Dynaudios, for example, or the other active speaker options.

In this instance, the Dyns might be more suitable, since you could then locate the turntable where you wanted with the controller next to it, no need for messy cables everywhere.

Do we know if Relocated has heard the speakers you mention ? If he has then I would have thought he would have suggested them if he thought they were worth recommending ( I have no opinion as I haven't heard them ), and if he hasn't , then is it realistic to expect him to recommend a product he is not familiar with ?

He has suggested a product he is familiar with and thinks would be worth considering . As always , it is up to the OP to sift through the replies and make his own mind . Please don't start another active/passive , AVI/against the whole World argument as it has become seriously tedious . Thank you .


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Apr 8, 2011
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Well my recommendation would be this: "Technics SU 810 integrated amp (, Technics SL1200 MK3D, Monstorous Sansui speakers (don't know the number, but they were over a meter tall and heavy as hell), Stanton Discmaster Cartridge & D3 Stylus."

Or some variation of that. That would be a super system for your requirements. Good DD (Direct Drive) turntable. Good amp. Good, proper sized speakers for your 5m x 6m room, that would be well matched to your listening requirements and priority of sound quality per pound spent over WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor).

There are quite a few other DD and idler drive turntables that would be well within budget that you could go for instead of the Technics 1200. Lenco, Garrard, Thorens for idlers. Sony, Pioneer, JVC, Kenwood / Trio, Sansui, etc etc for DD's - something that would have been towards the top of their product range, not some cheap nasty plasticky lightweight rubbishy thing.

For speakers it's all down to what you see a good deal on first. Look out for stuff that would have been expensive / high end new but is affordable now. Large sealed boxes, horns, or electrostatics.

Loads of choice of amps. A Japanese Battleship integrated amp such as the Sansui AU-9500 or one of the Sony ES's would make a nice alternative to the Technics SU 810.

Try to fit a decent MC (moving coil) cartridge into your budget, as a minimum something like a Denon DL110 or 103.


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Apr 28, 2013
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Thanks for all the help so far, i've now got lots more to research and hopefully check out at some point! I'll let everyone know how I get on.

All in all I'd like to get something within the next 2 weeks.

@Lindsayt Unfortunately that set-up is long gone and I'm too embarassed to say what I've been using for the last few months. I'm hoping to start off from scratch, because I have scratch at this point. Also, there just doesn't seem to be too much good second hand audio floating around Ireland. You'll see the occasional thing pop up now again, but even isn't a tenth as good as That's why I was figuring it would be easier to get something new. Thanks for the info about the Denon DL110. It's received incredible feedback.


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Jul 25, 2011
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shropshire lad said:
Do we know if Relocated has heard the speakers you mention ? If he has then I would have thought he would have suggested them if he thought they were worth recommending ( I have no opinion as I haven't heard them ), and if he hasn't , then is it realistic to expect him to recommend a product he is not familiar with ?

He has suggested a product he is familiar with and thinks would be worth considering . As always , it is up to the OP to sift through the replies and make his own mind . Please don't start another active/passive , AVI/against the whole World argument as it has become seriously tedious . Thank you .
There is no active passive argument, you are mistaken, you should read the posts a little more closely. However, I suspect you are right, I suspect quite a few of the AVI owners have heard few if any other active speakers, yet there are quite a few available now.
I would also fling Pro-ject turntables into the equation. Rega and Pro-ject straight from the box are excellent VFM. After that either Rega or Arcam amp would my choice, both have excellent built-in phono stages to boot.

As for speakers whatever sounds the bees knees.


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