Two separate system..

CnoEvil said:
Can you explain what you mean in a little more detail.

Sorry Cno.. If one have 2 separate system like lounge and one in bedroom etc..

I have asked this for my ears used to my main system which IMO is "not just good"..Now.. my ears are looking for "the same or at least" for my second system.
iceman16 said:
Now.. my ears are looking for "the same or at least" for my second system.

It may be that the room has a different 'sound', so I would try the first system in the second room and the second system in the first room. If the first system is still a lot better, then you need to upgrade the second system until you are happy with that sound as well.
iceman16 said:
Andrewjvt said:

Hey.. Andrew sorry for my language.. for its not my native..Now.,. what im trying to say or ask is if any forum member(s) have 2 set of system, how they compare it!

Im also not english dont worry.
Id just listen to the same songs on one then compare to one another. Id look for parts in the song that stand out (or not)

My question is there a reason for this or is it just because?
It's an intriguing question ie. If you have an expensive system in your sitting room, how do you put together a second system in another room, that keeps the essence of the main system, but at a fraction of the cost.

FWIW. I think that you have pretty much achieved that. You have put together components that are at the top of their game and use an amp that has a Class A signature. At a guess, you have probably achieved 60% of the sound for about 20% of the outlay.

I had a similar problem to solve, which I wrote about in "Devine Inspiration", where the local Priest heard my system, but wanted to get a flavour of it, for a little over £2k

He now has a Linn Sneaky DSM with LS50s and is absolutely thrilled....I have to say, that it sounds really good and he has his Sky and DVD player connected as well.

In my own case, the two systems are in the same room and share the Linn DS. When I want a proper listening session, I use the 35i + Refs. If I don't want to pull 400W from the mains, I use the AVR600 + LS50s. This is no hardship, as those little Kefs give a remarkable taste of a reference sound for a fraction of the cost and the AV amp has that Class A sound that I like so much.
My two systems really couldn't be more different.

The Devialet based system with the Focals is very clean, neutral, dynamic, transparent and airy. - I love this system for its realism and razor-sharp definition.

The Unison Research S8 valve based system with the Sonus fabers is warm, dynamic, euphonic and has a midband straight from heaven. - I love this system for its emotional communication.

One is not a less expensive version of the other. They are very different to each other in the way that they present and communicate the music and I enjoy the differences between them.
I had a second system.
It was for the shed for working out.
Didn't need it in the end so lent it to my Gran then gave it to neice.
Only need one system.
Great living in a small house!
How about instead of trying to replicate for example a £10,000 system for £2,000 why not try for a totally different sound?
Perhaps fun sounding, warm, standmounts instead of floostanders, valve instead of solid state or something else different.
Go for different, fun, strange.
FennerMachine said:
I had a second system. It was for the shed for working out. Didn't need it in the end so lent it to my Gran then gave it to neice. Only need one system. Great living in a small house!

how small? My apartment is about 60 m2 and I have 2 systems. 3 if you count the headphone amp in the bedroom.

Setups are as per my signature.

Big I had space I would've gone for a different sound in the living room. Maybe a brutish Japanese integrated amp.

As it is, the difference is basically the difference in sound between Genelec and Adam. Both pretty clean sounding, with the Adams more detailed and spacious. The U-05 is also more detailed and spacious with better imaging, while the Icon is bassier and a little warmer.
Main room is about 12 x 12 feet.
Kitchen is very small.
Box room is under 6 x 6 and full of stuff.
Bedroom about 10 x 6 and is full. No space for sound system.
Estimate under 40 square metres.
FennerMachine said:
How about instead of trying to replicate for example a £10,000 system for £2,000 why not try for a totally different sound?
Perhaps fun sounding, warm, standmounts instead of floostanders, valve instead of solid state or something else different.
Go for different, fun, strange.
I agree, up to a point.

It is very common for people to jump into the first good sound that they hear, or go "star hunting". This means that they don't get to hear the variety of approaches out there.

I have always been an advocate of experiencing as much as possible "before" buying the first system. Once you find your preference, then go for variations on that theme.

Mr. Loop is the exception to this...but there are always "Oddballs"; which is why I enjoy this hobby so much. The fact that it's totally subjective, means that there isn't a "one size fits all".


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