Trouble Auditioning in Essex


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All,

I'm having terrible trouble finding anywhere in Essex that has a selection of the AV speaker sets that I wish to audition.

These are mainly monitor audio (BX6, RX1, Apex, Radius) & B&W (MT-30, 634).

Rayleigh hi-fi are a bunch of patronising whats its. They weren't at all interested in my 4K budget!

Audio - T have a good range but not able to audition entire sets, they only have the front speakers and subs!

Any suggestions people?
How ironic, considering Monitor Audio are an Essex-based company

Assume you've checked the company's dealer-finder?
Clare...yes I have tried the dealer-finder and contacted everyone on it!

The worst thing is I drive past MA everyday to get to work!
I'm popping along to Audio T tomorrow, so I'll hopefully know more by then!
Andrew Steward:Rayleigh hi-fi are a bunch of patronising whats its. They weren't at all interested in my 4K budget!

I find that difficult to believe, I spoke to one of the guys in the Rayleigh branch for about half an hour about speakers that cost less than 500 quid not very long ago and he was very accomodating.

About a decade ago I also bought a set of 5 speakers for AV that cost about 800 quid and they couldn't have been more helpful, sorted me out with a demo and everything.
saffron walden any good? Chew and Osbourne are very friendly.
I've heard back from Monitor Audio, who apologise for your frustration!

Along with the Audio-T you're already in contact with, another Essex dealer they suggest is the Witham branch of Sevenoaks, which stocks Monitor Audio's RX, Radius and Apex ranges, along with the B&W speakers for comparison. (Incidentally, the Witham store is one of Sevenoaks' recently revamped stores with new demo faciltiies, as we wrote last year).


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