Tonearm balance thingy...


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello all, I still havn't really got hang of these turntable adjustments! I'm sure there is somebody out there which has a Project Debut III with the standard OM5SE cartridge...what setting do you have the little ringy thingy on? Mine is currently on 16.75...and I still think that the sound quality is a bit muffled (on new vinyls, not old thrashed ones). To give you an example, on Pink Floyd DSOTM, the usual deepening drum fill only seems to be on one note and with no depth - and the high-hat has a flat, muffled nature and seems incredibly also doesn't ring on like it should do...hmmm.....any suggestions? Surface is level (ableit ontop of the CD player), decent phono stage...only had it since January. Cheers!
Assuming you've balanced it all up as the manual says, then the downforce setting should be 17.5mN, not 16.75.

But having it on top of a nice resonant CD player is hardly going to give the turntable a chance - it really needs to be on a solid shelf or other support.
[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
Assuming you've balanced it all up as the manual says, then the downforce setting should be 17.5mN, not 16.75.

But having it on top of a nice resonant CD player is hardly going to give the turntable a chance - it really needs to be on a solid shelf or other support.

Ok, cheers Andrew! I don't really have anywhere to put the turntable...on top of the amp is hardly going to make it better! I'll try correcting the downforce at seeing if that makes a difference AND PLEASE don't allow me to consider other upgrades before I get a decent hi-fi rack...Argos aren't renouned for their audiophile quality MDF tabletops!
As a low cost stable platform try a granite chopping board - £9.99 from Morrisons, Tesco or Sainsburys.
It's still not going to be the best, but if something has to go on top of something - maybe the CD on top of the Amp? - Or possibly below might be better as heat rises. CD players will suffer from a lack of solid support to some extent, but a record deck is all about mechanical vibration so really needs all the help it can get.
Just be really careful about temperature if you put anything on top of the amp. You'll likely be okay [1] unless you're a serious party animal with very tolerant neighbours but best to keep an eye out.
[1] notwithstanding valve amps, musical fidelity class A amps, and other esoterica that I'd be very jealous of.
Ok, cheers Jimwall...I would put stuff ontop of the amp, it's just it has a weedy little vent and I'm scared that my Arcam A32 might get a little too toasty! I would also put the amp ontop of the CD player, it's just I feel it is too heavy and may damage it. And anyway, I am VERY sure the placement of the player is not the problem - it must be something to do with the tracking etc as we discussed on the other thread...oh, the joys of hi-fi!


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