To the WHFI team (and anyone else) Dynaudio confidence C1 or ECLIPSE range TD712zmk2


New member
Feb 11, 2008
Hypothetical speaker senario. Seen both of these available secondhand at a price that i could potentially be tempted by. Given a choice which one would you go for? Finally both got 5stars could you comment on the amplification you used. Especially for the ECLIPSE model. For a small to medium size room.
This is what annoyes me sometimes, is that many people believe that one must be better than the other. Have you read both reviews for a start? Which one has a sound do you think you would like the most?

Personally I have never heard the Eclipse, but it is a single driver design, which means it will be limited at both ends of the frequency spectrum, both high and low.

If you like your music at low to medium volumes, with no bass, but like the midrange, then try the elipse.

If you like a full sound, nice top, nice everything, get the Dynaudio's.

Personally I would buy the Dynaudio's. Plus If you dont like them, you are more likely to find someone who will buy them from you again.
Why are you getting annoyed? What part of my post did i state one had to be better than the other? Yea read the reviews I simply want other opinions on the matter especially on the amplification. I like both a fantastic midrange and a full sound. I could love either. Thanks for the reply though and i agree with you Dyns would be a sensible choice for resale value.

I am not sure why you narrow down to them 2 choices! (well apart from may be they are 2nd hand pair out there that within your range)

I am guessing your budget must be around £2K which if that's the case there are plenty of chioces, used. I am not sure why anyone would want to buy Eclipse unless they wanted to be different! beauty is certainly in the eyes of beholder in this case.

Dynaudio confidence series is a really good range and I would be shock if you are not happy with them but as I said, that price range, 2nd hand, you are spoil for choice.
If he's seen the same pair of C1's I'm thinking of, his budget is more like £2,800.

At that sort of money, I personally would definately audition speakers from a dealer at either that price, or save / get the rest on Hire purchase to bring the total up to £5500 as the new price of C1 has gone up quite a bit.

If you do know where I can get a pair of C1's for £2k though, let me know, cause I would definately buy them!
Budget was 2500 max . At this price all the speakers ive seen are second hand as i feel its the only way to get a real upgrade on my 805S. The dynaudio confidence c1 ive seen seem a bit dodgy with multiple adverts dotted around the place. The ebay one states the speakers are immaculate and there is another advert elsewhere that says that there is a dent in the top of one of the speakers and the stands are marked also. Also they were brougt in the US exdem and they are at the second owner already also he has no proof of purchase. I asked the seller about these issues and had no reply so decided to scrap them. I have now almost certainly brought the eclipses though. In the areas that i like they are very highly regarded. So im looking forward to getting them hopefully this or early next week. Also the deal on them was fantastic so had to take a punt and even if i dont like them i shouldnt lose too much if i decide to sell them. Now need to sell my Bowers so its all change change and busy busy!

Thanks for all the replies though and if any one has listened to the eclipses please let me know the amplification used..
Btw TM what did you personally think of the eclipse sound? I really love the looks and think it will look a treat with my kw amp!
SHAXOS:Btw TM what did you personally think of the eclipse sound? I really love the looks and think it will look a treat with my kw amp!

I only have heard them at the shows and very brief encounter at that so no comment on sound, sorry. (I would listen a bit longer if the sound took my breath away...could be?!)

BTW, The Dyn doesn't worth more than £2.2K at best (on current 2nd hand market). As I have mentioned on many occasions that I am a Dynadude, they really can do many thing right with all them range of released.

Somehow I think the KW amp would match well with a proper 3 ways speakers. Ok, you would be right to point out that the best pair I ever have own is a "2 ways" ART Emotion signature but then I haven't own the KW amp! If you looking for Dynaudio sound/build quality but with a proper 3 ways design, I would be looking at A.D.A.M pencil but they are hard to find, 2nd hand (£2K for the mk1 and £500 more for Mk3, rrp £4,000) the only problem with them is "they look like a pair of speakers!"