Since moving house I've been able to set up a more intimate Cinema room. The dimension are about 10 ft x 10ft. The whole Home Cinema seems to have got a whole new lease of life and I'm enjoying movies even more than before. With my amplification and speakers perhaps my current room is better than my previous which was 19 x 11. While I'm enjoying this, I was thinking about possibly replacing the BR centre with a GSLCR, because if any part of the system occasionally loses focus it seems to be the dialogue. Would the GSLCR prove to be too much of a mis-match with the BRs or too power hungry for my amp ? I'm not intending to replace all the speakers to get round this and if in the forums opinion it might not be a good idea replacing the centre, I'll stick with what I have. Has anybody any experience of the GSLCR with BR5 fronts ?