The best second hand Amplifier


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm going to start off saying that this is not the first time I have asked this question. Thanks to many of you, I recieved plenty of feedback saying that Audiolab and Cyrus were the way to go - and on the cheeper scale, the Pioneer A-400 was the pick. The problem is, I much prefer items from Japan. I just love the tackiness of them; the flashing lights; and inevitably their sound. Therefore I am looking at 80s-90s Japanese items for around £100-£200. The Marantz PM-45 looks pretty impressive and as I've probably mentioned before: JVC is one of my favourite! I'd obviously like alot of power on tap - most likely more than 70watts/channel. Flashing lights welcomed! Anybody have any suggestions?


[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
In that case, this one should do you very nicely!


It'll even make you a cup of tea as long as you don't mind running it at full volume for 20mins...


New member
Sep 6, 2007
You dont need flashing lights etc... Takes the sound quality down anyways!

For your budget id stump for the Arcam Alpha 9 integrated or the Arcam Alpha 10 integrated.

Theyre both fantastic amps, lots of power in reserve and play very well even when quiet. They have very good bass weight which is puncy and well timed, not swampy or hollow. The mid-range is smooth and detailed and the treble is nice and crisp but not harsh.

Obviously it depends on what youre going to be partnering the amp with (CD player and speakers)

Would be good to know the above then people will be able to offer better advice.


Well it'll be running the equipment listed in my signiture - the problem with the Arcam 9 is that I cannot stand the look of it - and we had one at work that we used to run Ruark floorstanders through. Really nice, but I want something a bit out of the ordinary...

Now, that Technics beast had me spill my coffee everywhere! What is that thing? ha ha ha! Is it any good? I'm not sure on it though because it's a home-cinema reciever aswell which is certainly not what I'm after. Looks rather impressive though! Check out those needles! : ) : ) : )

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
Good hunk of old school Technics engineering, runs as two channel or multichannel, and IIRC well-respected in its day.

Was hunting for one of the old Technics battery preamp/swing-needle power amp combos like the SU-A909 or the earlier 800 series for you, but that's all I've turned up so far.



Why thankyou very much Andrew! I have a Technics brosure with the SU-A909 amplifier in it, I can't find it at the moment. There seems to be some problem with a link or a just has the class X in it for me. I'll check on ebay and see what they turn up!


i was going to buy one of those fruit machines many years ago. Do they sound any good? I was almost taken in by the analogue read outs, they looked so cool.


Hope I am not breaking any board protocols here but I am Dave from Green Home Electronics, the owner of the site Andrew's suggested amp points to. We have a couple of A400's in stock at the moment, if you want to come along and compare one with the Technics that Andrew suggested you are more than welcome. We have a nice pair of Kef 104/2 References to compare them on or you can bring your own speakers if you prefer. You may be forced to drink tea / coffee but apart from that we are harmless.


You're based in Bracknel right? I might be able to pop down next weekend if possible. What times are you open? I have some Wharfedale EVO2 30s so it would be pretty hard to bring them down! I hear those KEFs are quite good, so I think they will have to do the comparison! What sort of condition are they in?

Thanks for your help!


sorry Andrew but i must be missing something here - its an email address - nothing less, nothing more. yes, he is now susceptable to a few MORE junk emails. however, i doubt there are going to be too many people reading this thread who will be inclined to spam his email account. the only other scenario i can imagine you being worried about is someone sending Hughes123 an email posing as GreenHomeElec. I would imagine however, that this business, like every other business, has a business email address that would be instantly recognisable (ie. so again i wonder what your concern is. maybe i should post my email address too so i can divert some of the phishing and spamming from Hughes123?
BTW im not trying to be argumentative - i am just genuinely confused as to your concern...

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
Given the amount of junk mail most of us receive these days, I wouldn't put my personal email address anywhere it was visible to web spiders or bots and other spamming tools.

But I guess each to his own...


well thats fair enough. and your right there is a risk. however, this risk can be gotten round by creating an email address specifically for these situations and other times when you are unsure of the integrity of a site requiring your email address - just a little idea i had and it has served me well so far...


[quote user="Andrew Everard"]People putting their email addresses on an open forum thread never ceases to amaze me

Somebody might take advantage of me! argh! Don't worry, it's not my main e-mail.


[quote user="ifitsoundsgoodlistentoit"]well thats fair enough. and your right there is a risk. however, this risk can be gotten round by creating an email address specifically for these situations and other times when you are unsure of the integrity of a site requiring your email address - just a little idea i had and it has served me well so far...[/quote]

Just read what you've put - same idea here!


[quote user="Andrew Everard"]
OK, forget I said anything...


It was nice of you to warn me though! If it was my main e-mail, it would have been a bit silly! ;)


Hi there, yes, we are based in Bracknell. Somebody bought our A400 today but I expect to have another in stock very soon - hopefully by the end of the week, we still have the Technics and lots of other stuff for that matter. I can be available at most times during the day, evenings or at weekends by prior arrangement. Best bet is to go to our contacts page on our web site and give us a ring so we can discuss. I will do my best to be available at a convenient time.

All the best,


Green Home Electronics.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
Just a thought, if it's flashy lights you want, Green's have a few graphic equalisers for pennies, which you could hook up to a spare tape output and get all the GFLs YFLs and RFLs that your heart could desire...without affecting the sound at all!


[quote user="fatboyslimfast"]Just a thought, if it's flashy lights you want, Green's have a few graphic equalisers for pennies, which you could hook up to a spare tape output and get all the GFLs YFLs and RFLs that your heart could desire...without affecting the sound at all![/quote]

So how would that work? I just connect the eq to the tape loop 1 and then turn on the tape monitor? I don't have to have a wire running back again? If I do, wouldn't it effect sound-quality?


You just connect the EQ input up to the tape output, it will then get the output signal and will act as a spectrum analyser with all the flashy lights going up and down.


Ah seems pretty simple! What's the flashiest one you have for sale at the moment? That Technics one looks pretty cool!


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