Streaming Buffer Size in iTunes preferences?

Charlie Jefferson

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2007
Could someone please explain this preference tab in iTunes? Mine is currently set at medium, by default. Anything to gain or lose by going "large" or "small", as it were?

My pre-Christmas iPhone has arrived and although it's a thing of wonder and the Remote app is a life-enhancing/changing thing*, I'm getting a little bit of occasional break up from the AE, where previously I've had none.

* I fear there are more delirious rantings to be aired at some point in relation to this.
Thanks, Chebby. I'll try that one when I get home this evening.

Has anyone gleaned any useful tips for maximizing the seamless connectivity between the iPhone and an Airport Express? The introduction of the iPhone's Remote app into my set up has also added a 5% increase in break-up/interference, where previously there was none.

All together now, in Apple we trust!
Can't help here, I'm afraid - though the mortgage having come down 400 quid today may increase the chances of an iPod touch arriving for Christmas, so I'll help then
Thanks John.

I've got to say that the interference is minimal, but nevertheless annoying. The synching between the iPhone & my iTunes library is stunning, and whatismore the internet radio feed is,to date, 100% perfect. But as my wife says, £400 for a remote* is fairly steep, and you'd want it to work perfectly everytime wouldn't you?

* okay, it has a couple of other functions too apparently
Charlie Jefferson:Thanks John.

I've got to say that the interference is minimal, but nevertheless annoying. The synching between the iPhone & my iTunes library is stunning, and whatismore the internet radio feed is,to date, 100% perfect. But as my wife says, £400 for a remote* is fairly steep, and you'd want it to work perfectly everytime wouldn't you?

* okay, it has a couple of other functions too apparently

Yes, I think if I can demonstrate its efficacy (it was a palaver having the laptop out to control iTunes for a party at he weekend), then the OH will be sold. But I suspect issues with your network rather than the devices themselves - you may find extra buffering will help.
Within the Remote application on the iPhone, go to Settings and there is an option Stay Connected - try this. I've no idea if it will help, but I have mine set to this and only experience a break in the sound once in a blue moon.
EDIT - Incidentally, my Buffer Size is still set to Medium.
Thanks, ProfH. I have mine set to "Stay Connected" already but have now set Buffer Size to "Small", so we'll see if there's any improvement.

It seems I mainly encounter break-up at the start of a listening session, and once it's underway it's usually flawless. I'll report back accordingly.

15,000 songs at the scroll & tap of a screen. Yay!!!
I'm still encountering occasional break-up of signal - three or four times over a three hour period, let's say.

If I can comfortably access Safari & Mail from the iPhone without any noticeable delays or glitches, why is it that the the AE flickers off on odd occasions?

Any thoughts anyone?

I'm on a BT 8mb max. broadband connection, so would it be appropriate to select the "small" buffering size option? That said, there doesn't seem to be any discernible improvement between that and the "medium" default setting.

15,000 songs available at the scroll & tap of a screen, with occasional glitchy interference isn't quite the dream set-up I envisaged.
Well, it's not the 8Mb broadband connection but the wireless network signal strength which will affect it. I don't understand why it would work fine and only have break ups when the iPhone is involved. If you stop using the iPhone and go back to manually using it from the computer, do the break ups stop?
One thing off the top of my head is put the iPhone in flight mode and then try it. It's only a guess, but since I use the iPhone Touch, there's no mobile signal potentially interfering. I get no breakups (well only very occasionally, say once every week or so, usually when using the microwave!).
I'll have a go tomorrow with going back to manually streaming and see what happens.

Doesn't the flight mode disable the wi-fi mode, thereby rendering the Remote app defunct? Or am I getting confused in my pre-dotage slide to senility?

Thanks for the input, ProfH, I'll report back tomorrow.
Charlie Jefferson:Doesn't the flight mode disable the wi-fi mode, thereby rendering the Remote app defunct? Or am I getting confused in my pre-dotage slide to senility?
Hmm, good point, hadn't thought of that - it may well do. I was only thinking in terms of cutting out the mobile phone signal! Try it and see, otherwise I'll have a hunt around tomorrow.
Enabling Flight mode did knock off the wi-fi connection, I'm afraid. The manual streaming seems to be less flawed, in fact, I haven't had any glitches that I can recall.

How does one optimize the strength of the wi-fi signal? Anyone any thoughts?


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