Stand top-plate size

Lee H

New member
Oct 7, 2010
Hi all,

I have a some MA BX2's and I'm starting to look for stands for them. When looking at either the Soundstyle Z2 or Atacama Duo/Nexus, I notice that the top plate is smaller than the speaker. Is this a problem? Should the stand fully cover the base of the speaker?

My budget is fairly low for these and the thinner they can be the better so they can fit where I need to place them for now.
No, having a smaller top plate than speaker is not a problem and is fairly common. The only real issue is stability, caused by weight of speaker: I found Atacama auroras too unstable with my very heavy 11s. I would have thought the stands you're looking at will be fine with BX2s.
Top plates are usually smaller than the speakers, as long as they're not hugely smaller then it's not an issue. If you're worried about stability, I recommend blu tak - will cut down any residual vibrations between plate and speaker and make them a little more kid/cat-proof.
Most of the weight of a speaker is in the front third of the cabinet (drivers with heavy magnets) so - whenever I have used stands - I tend to locate the top-plate accordingly towards the front rather than place it dead center.

And yes, BluTack is excellent for preventing speakers sliding off stands when bumped. (A pea sized 'blob' at each corner of the top-plate.)

If removing speakers from the stand (when attached with BluTack) don't just 'yank' them off. There is a danger of ripping off some veneer as well! Get a loyalty card or similar un-embossed credit card (nothing important though) and 'slice' into the BluTack to ease off each corner. A thin, flippy, plastic spatula (not metal) from the kitchen drawer can do the job too. So long as whatever you use can't scratch or score the finish on the bottom of the speaker.
Might wait a little while then. We'll have a houseful for a party in early July, so I don't want to run the risk of them being pushed off.
Lee H said:
Might wait a little while then. We'll have a houseful for a party in early July, so I don't want to run the risk of them being pushed off.

If it's the sort of party where hifi speakers are at risk of damage, then you will need to store them them away safely somewhere whether they are on stands or not.

You don't need people resting plates of food (or their drinks) on your gear, or leaning on the speakers for support (or trying to sit on them), or have some bright spark deciding the volume is not high enough and turning it up to the maximum while you are in another room!

If the party is for teenagers then you need to put everything in storage beforehand and employ security for each floor.
chebby said:
If removing speakers from the stand (when attached with BluTack) don't just 'yank' them off. There is a danger of ripping off some veneer as well! Get a loyalty card or similar un-embossed credit card (nothing important though) and 'slice' into the BluTack to ease off each corner. A thin, flippy, plastic spatula (not metal) from the kitchen drawer can do the job too. So long as whatever you use can't scratch or score the finish on the bottom of the speaker.

A couple of points, BlueTack is excellent, but 'half a pea size' in each corner is often better, I know that sounds like 'knit picking' but trust me, try it, hearing is believing. Second point, Chebby is right, dont pull the speaker, especially if its old, the veneer will come away . . . twist the speaker carefully through its vertical axis, works every time!

CJSF said:
A couple of points, BlueTack is excellent, but 'half a pea size' in each corner is often better,
I was thinking more 'petit pois' than marrowfat
chebby said:
CJSF said:
A couple of points, BlueTack is excellent, but 'half a pea size' in each corner is often better,
I was thinking more 'petit pois' than marrowfat

Yeah . . . thats about right chebby . . . it was/is worth the emphasis, far more important than most realise, 'less is more' . . . CJSF
Give peas a chance?

No, no teenagers, but plenty of +1's that we don't know. Right now, they're sitting on a wooden floor. One is under a nest of tables (so protected) and the other is between the TV cabinet and the wall. I bought some cheap rubber furniture feet type things last night and placed them under the speakers, but I can't say that it improved the sound at all, if anything it got a little bloated.


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