Squeezebox Duet Receiver - WMA Lossless help


New member
Oct 5, 2007
Hi All

My SB Receiver is not playing any files in wma lossless (just skips to the next track). I understand that wma may not be handled directly by the receiver (it's coverted by the squeezebox server to another format for the receiver to handle - FLAC I think) so I'm confused as to why and wma files won't play.

I have the squeezebox server installed on a NAS. Any ideas anyone please. The only reason I was using wma (99% of my music is FLAC) was because EAC was struggling to rip some of my older cds (scratched) and windows media player rips them fine - I have tried to play the wma files on WMP and they all work fine.

Can you stream WMA lossless files to your Duet from your PC/laptop, rather than your NAS ?

Best option is to convert your WMAL files to FLAC using something like dbpoweramp or foobar.
>I have the squeezebox server installed on a NAS.<

IIRC Squeezebox Server uses MSFT licensed Windows DLLs to convert WMA, so won't happen on a Linux based NAS.

You can just change EAC from secure to burst mode to handle trashed CDs

>I have the squeezebox server installed on a NAS.<

IIRC Squeezebox Server uses MSFT licensed Windows DLLs to convert WMA, so won't happen on a Linux based NAS.

You can just change EAC from secure to burst mode to handle trashed CDs

Good shout on the EAC option, I was looking for that!

I have a Netgear ReadyNAS Duo which should support Windows, MAC, Linux clients. But I did read somewhere that Windows Media needs to be installed on the device running the Squeezebox Server for WMA lossless to be transcoded on the fly.

Can you stream WMA lossless files to your Duet from your PC/laptop, rather than your NAS ?

Best option is to convert your WMAL files to FLAC using something like dbpoweramp or foobar.

I didn't try streaming from PC as I use an iPod touch instead of the Duet controller and changing the IP address of the music library is a real pain!

Just found the option on EAC to skip the error correction etc. But for the ones I have already ripped in wma lossless I will use foobar for the conversion - out of interest the quality of the file won't be affected will it (wma lossless to flac)?
No as far as i understand it the quality shouldnt suffer. I have had recently a question mark as to whether tag info in lossless files will suffer in the change from one lossless format to another. maybe you will find out...


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