Spotify questions


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
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Hello everybody.
I'm thinking of upgrading to Spotify Premium very soon to take advantage of the increased music quality and other features - just had a couple of questions first.

Does my PC have to be on in order to use Spotify through a Sonos system?

Spotify Mobile - does anyone use this on a regular basis? I normally walk to/from work and would love to be able to stream my Spotify library to my mobile. I know this is mainly dependent on the 3G connection but would love to hear people's experiences - do you often experience dropout or jittery playback? Also what's your opinion of the interface for the mobile - is it easy to get tracks onto your mobile and easy to search them once they're on there?

Many thanks


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
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If you have premium you can sync your libaries to mobile devices so dont need a connection in any form

to access your songs, i have had mixed results searching and adding to libaries, i personally had problems over 3G.


Regarding the mobile side of things, as the previous poster said your best bet is to sync your playlists to your phone so you can access them with no signal at all. The streaming I found to be quite patchy. If I was stood still with a strong signal it worked fine, but I tried walking with it (not far) and it kept pausing and the delay between songs started to drive me crazy. You can choose which playlists you sync so you don't need to do them all. The player, although not the best I've ever used on my phone (Android) was decent enough and easy to use.

You don't have much to lose anyway. There's no contract so you can just do it for a month and knock it on the head if you don't like it. I didn't think it was worth it myself but then I don't have a Sonos to play it though.

7 day free trial here, too:


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
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Thanks for the responses guys - most helpful.
As yet I don't have Sonos either but will hopefully be going down the Sonos road in the near future.
In regards to syncing the songs to my mobile - I thought only certain albums were available to sync offline or am I mistaken and if you have premium you can sync anything in the Spotify library?


Yes, as far as I know you can sync anything. As far as I know the only caveat is that you can't sync evrything to your phone/computer and then just stay in offline mode for all eternity. After I cancelled my Premium account I left my phone in Offline mode to see what would happen and I got maybe 3 or 4 weeks out of it before it said I needed to go back online to check my account was valid (which it obviously wasn't). But that's it basically.

EDIT: Actually, I tell a lie, the limit is you can only sync 3,333 songs offline. But they can be any songs, I believe.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
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Thanks for the swift responses. That's a weight off my mind actually - now to decide between a 32gb smartphone or a touch...there's a problem I don't mind having!


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