Speakers for Marrantz 6003 system


New member
Oct 10, 2007
Hi, I'm looking for options on a set of floorstanders for CD/PM 6003. Anything in the £600-900 range. My listening room is quite big with high ceilngs but I'll only be sitting around 3.5-4 meters away. I like a decent amount of bass, but since I'm running a pair of KEF Q10's at the minute, I prefer control rather than outright power. I also like the imaging and soundstaging my Q10's produce although I would say that I'd like to try another brand. They will have to be fairly close to the wall so front-ported would probably be more appropriate. Any advice would be welcome.


Try the Mordaunt-Short Mezzo 6. Very refined and controlled sounding, and short be a great partner for the Marantz kit. Beautiful looking too.

Other than that I think the current KEF range would be well worth a look. Don't change brand just for the sake of it. They are very very good speakers.

Might also be worth auditioning the Quad range too. The 11Ls are excellent speakers if you want to stick to stand mounted speakers.
the iq 10 and 30 have a lot of dispersion of the sound, difficult for other brands to compete with(my opinion), but as said before the Quads have good dispersion an openess to the sound...these should work fine
Q Acoustics 1030i or 1050i - two very dynamic floorstanders that may be worth auditioning.
The new Monitor Audio RX6 might be worth an audition. According to the retailers on the forum they're a little more forgiving than the outgoing RS range. Also check out some Spendor S5E second hand. They are always highly recommended by others on here, although I've not heard them myself.

Why do you want to spend such an outlay for a budget, albeit a very good one, amplifier?
Incidentally, I think the allocation to the speakers is out of sync with the rest of the kit. Maybe if you were talking Marantz 8003 series...? The 6003s are fine, in all likelihood, but you'll get a decent chunk of that performance from speakers costing somewhat less. Alternatives to the 1050i are the new Q Acoustics 2050 which is due out soon. £370 and the rest you can splash on some decent cable and CDs!


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