Question Speaker advice needed!


Active member
Nov 2, 2021
Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade my loudspeakers - preferably floor standing - and am debating between a new pair of Fyne Audio F302 or a set of Tannoy Revolution R3 that I have found second hand. I have heard that the brainstrust of Tannoy moved to Fyne, but I am wondering which would be a better approach? Does anyone have any experience with Tannoy R3?? Any other advice for around the price point? At the moment my speakers a terrible, so anything would be an upgrade I believe...

Room size is medium, decent acoustics.

Running a Luxman L-113a and Rega P6 (Exact)
Hi all, I'm looking to upgrade my loudspeakers - preferably floor standing - and am debating between a new pair of Fyne Audio F302 or a set of Tannoy Revolution R3 that I have found second hand. I have heard that the brainstrust of Tannoy moved to Fyne, but I am wondering which would be a better approach? Does anyone have any experience with Tannoy R3?? Any other advice for around the price point? At the moment my speakers a terrible, so anything would be an upgrade I believe...

Room size is medium, decent acoustics.

Running a Luxman L-113a and Rega P6 (Exact)
Define 'medium' in feet or metres please, this is an international forum and medium sized room is going to mean different things to different members.
note that the Tannoys could be 10 years old so it might be a case of not parting with money until you can physically assess them.
I had a pair of R3s before the Monitor Audio GR20s that preceded the D7s. They were enjoyable speakers and were very well-thought of at the time - I'm sure they were WHF's top speaker in their price bracket. My brother still uses them, and they must be the best part of twenty years old by now. They should be cheap 2nd hand* at this point, even if they are in good condition - and as Al says, that needs assessing.

* The only pair on eBay at the time of typing are £395 plus £40 for delivery - I recall that they were in the mid- to high 400s when new, so that seems very steep to me. Can you demo the R3s? If not, and the price is comparable with the new Fynes, I'd be wary. I'm guessing you can demo the Fynes, and that would be something I'd suggest doing.
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I had a pair of R3s before the Monitor Audio GR20s that preceded the D7s. They were enjoyable speakers and were very well-thought of at the time - I'm sure they were WHF's top speaker in their price bracket. My brother still uses them, and they must be the best part of twenty years old by now. They should be cheap 2nd hand* at this point, even if they are in good condition - and as Al says, that needs assessing.

* The only pair on eBay at the time of typing are £395 plus £40 for delivery - I recall that they were in the mid- to high 400s when new, so that seems very steep to me. Can you demo the R3s? If not, and the price is comparable with the new Fynes, I'd be wary. I'm guessing you can demo the Fynes, and that would be something I'd suggest doing.
Yes that does seem a tad expensive for speakers of this age.
the OP says he has found a pair second-hand, perhaps he could come back with the price they are asking for them.
Great thanks for the replies - room size approx 5m x 4m, timber clad.

Yes I was thinking they may be a touch expensive - the seller is asking $850 AUD... Fyne 302 sell in Australia for around $1200. Also on my radar is a set of Monitor Silver 200 on offer for $1750.

I understand this is jumping around the price mark a bit, just not sure if it's worth double the money for the Monitor Silver or if the R3s are still a strong contender, but given their age maybe not worth the asking?

edit: grammar
Great thanks for the replies - room size approx 5m x 4m, timber clad.

Yes I was thinking they may be a touch expensive - the seller is asking $850 AUD... Fyne 302 sell in Australia for around $1200. Also on my radar is a set of Monitor Silver 200 on offer for $1750.

I understand this is jumping around the price mark a bit, just not sure if it's worth double the money for the Monitor Silver or if the R3s are still a strong contender, but given their age maybe not worth the asking?

edit: grammar
So they are asking around £320 equivalent for the R3's?? Give them a miss
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So they are asking around £320 equivalent for the R3's?? Give them a miss
I think that's too much too. In good condition after 15-20 years, maybe £150 would feel fair.
I never cease to be amazed by the optimism (cheek) of these bandwagoneers, taking advantage of the demand for older stuff.
I saw a Spendor model of mine for sale on e-bay.
The e-bay link no longer finds the picture, but believe me, they weren't good.
The first post here recalls the pricing:
I never cease to be amazed by the optimism (cheek) of these bandwagoneers, taking advantage of the demand for older stuff.
I saw a Spendor model of mine for sale on e-bay.
The e-bay link no longer finds the picture, but believe me, they weren't good.
The first post here recalls the pricing:

It's interesting isn't it- thanks for the replies everyone, very much new to setting up full systems been listening to LPs with various set ups my whole life, but never bought speakers before strangely... always seem to inherit them! It's a wild world...
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Hello, my name is Brett Haverland and I joined the site a few days ago I have been looking for advice on at the moment speakers because I am upgrading my Wharfedale speakers that I was using for music/ front surround sound so for surround I've used bookshelf wharefdales. The speakers I was using for music only cost me around $400. I have a nice Dolby Atmos reciever for the surround . But for music I am going to use an old-school Kenwood ka 660d that is 200 watts.
So I am going to spend at the moment up to $2000;on floor standing speakers I have been looking at Dali Oberon 5 or 7, kef q550, klipsche Rp6000f, svs prime tower. I play both good vinyl & digital I love all kinds of music but love Ronnie James Dio, Ozzie in the black sabbath era and solo, Metallica when I buy I want to try speakers with nothing else matters or Orion . Been looking at a place called clef hifi but want a good price can someone please point me in the right direction. Sorry if I have posted wrong spot third time trying.


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