Sooloos Control:One


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Why buy a CD player when you can have this?

Yes I know, its not cheap, and if you want a more affordable (£300 ish) buy a Sony RDR 500gb Hard drive DVD player that will give you the same superb signal reproduction!

How things are rapidly changing.
trevor79:Why buy a CD player when you can have this?

trevor79:How things are rapidly changing.

Catch up Trev, those things have been knocking around for years!
Yes but very few people have really cottoned onto it yet.

Whilst ripping music at lower formats for an ipod etc gives with decent headphones a good sound for on the move.
Getting 'high end' quality off the PC doesn't cut it for me. (Noise, wireless, poor power supplies etc.)
Hard drives have only recently come seriously down in price which now gives decent capacity to put losslessly CD's onto them.

Still today very few people have systems where music really moves and inspires them. The affordability of some of the gear coming to market will astonish, and they will be playing there collections hearing things in the music for the very 1st time.
trevor79:Why buy a CD player when you can have this? Yes I know, its not cheap, and if you want a more affordable (£300 ish) buy a Sony RDR 500gb Hard drive DVD player that will give you the same superb signal reproduction! How things are rapidly changing.

Listen Trevor you shameless coward, you knew you'd have it easy opening this can of worms here at warm and cuddly WHF (well Andrew is not even if he looks it), I dare you to open this topic at Linn's DS forums.

And if you need some ammo gimme a shout.
They're big hitters there. Go on, tell them the Sooloos is much nicer than DS
Linn, no, more of a Meridian man myself. They make a decent turntable though, I give them that.
trevor79:Yes but very few people have really cottoned onto it yet. Getting 'high end' quality off the PC doesn't cut it for me. (Noise, wireless, poor power supplies etc.)

As far as I'm concerned you are the tailor of the burden (with all respect). Most people (of which there are plenty) will be switching their CD collection to hard drives connected directly to their computer or to their network. By doing so there are any number of ways of silently, discretely even sexily transferring that music to the stereo system. Anyhow, are your BT conditioners not working as they should then?ÿ
They are working fine, just fine thanks.

Not quite sure what you mean by 'being the tailor to the burden' but with regard to the computer I do agree that with 'Windows Media' many people are buying and using them for entertainment.

Indeed I am using my Sony Vaio VGN SZ1VP now (carbon fibre laptop) linked to a 7.2gb wireless connection. Even watch TV on it.
I mean this kind of slapstick humourÿ(Noise, wireless, poor power supplies etc.)ÿthat uncommonly gets used when recommending computer audio but often gets used otherwise. I'm just saying that if you want to go on a crusade for HDD based audio you shouldn't limit it to a way few people will use. There are some terrific ways of doing it emerging, and methods that have been around for a few years.
Yes, I see what you mean, and the developments are groundbreaking.

As I have built and overclocked PC's to busting point I do understand the shortcomings of various components inside them.

They open up a whole new world for buying, downloading music on line and it is a growing trend.
But still nothing still beats vinyl, followed by CD's on a really good player, or a cheap Hard Drive losslessly!


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