So I just purchased a chord silverplus usb cable..


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May 12, 2013
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Short story, i purchased a usb cable due to a recomendation from a friend who say the weakest link in my system is my usb cable (the only standard equipent in my system). Although he thought my system is one of the best system he heard....and i have 0 problems whatsoever with my system...i decided to try just for the sake of it

The usb is connected from a macmini to a reclocked nad m51 with external power supply. Nad m51 has asyncrounous usb, and after much research , i knew usb cable wont make a difference with asyncrounous usb.

Im not a believer of usb cable will have any audible effect, but i decided to try anyway, because desire to upgrade something and i dont know anything else to purchase lol. As stated, im 100% satisfied wih my system, and a usb purchase was in no way im trying to change the sound of my system

Once i install, the difference was apparent. Im surprised usb cables can make a difference, im not sure how or why, but it does. First is the bass, its harder and more punchier, and the high was more dominant. Mid is further back the stage. The sound have more "presence" and more "intimate".

However, i dont like it! I swapped back and forth the usb cables together with my friend, and i wanted to put the chord on sale, because i hated the sound. It felt less spacious, and more tiring to listen. The sound is hard and punchy. The standard printer usb cable is much much much more effortless in the sound, and more coherent in the frequency range. My friend told be to burn in the cable, although im a non believer on cable burn in. But i will try to do so just for the sake of it.

Some may say is psycoacoustics or its all in the mind, but the cabls are so different in their signature, im sure if you listen to them in my system, it will be quite obvious of such a difference. I dont get it, i was expecting "no change"

Ymmv, but this happens in my system and my system only. I never tried usb swapping in any other system. Another thing i learn, if it aint broken, dont fix it

Ill report back after the so called "burn in cable" process.


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If the USB port is not electrically isolated, and the source is noisy, a digital cable can make a difference if it helps filtering the current. This affects both synchronous and asynchronous ports.

The fact that the DAC implements a re-clocking mechanism doesn't help with noise. It's actually the other way around: noisy sources can result in increased jitter as it might become more difficult to read the signal.

If the port was electrically isolated, then cables shouldn't make any difference.


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Alec said:
and, if it was, it was not down to the USB cable.

After "burn in" - ahem - the cable will "sound" exactly the same.

Thats what i thought before the test. Apparently, there is a difference between them. Im "burning" the cable overnight and ill test tomorow just for the sake of it. I believe it will have no effect whatsoever


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Jun 2, 2008
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kingsap said:
fr0g said:
wilro15 said:
Thats not very polite

I do apologise. I'll try again...

With my sincerest best wishes to you and your new digital cable may I present you with this wonderful prize...

Is there something im not getting? :D

You were familiar with the 'cable debate' when you started and took part in this thread in 2013 ...

... why are you now 'not getting' it?


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Jan 7, 2008
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chebby said:
kingsap said:
fr0g said:
wilro15 said:
Thats not very polite

I do apologise. I'll try again...

With my sincerest best wishes to you and your new digital cable may I present you with this wonderful prize...

Is there something im not getting? :D

You were familiar with the 'cable debate' you started and took part in during this thread in 2013 ...

... why are you now 'not getting' it?

To be fair, he used a smiley. Cures all known ills.


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Jan 18, 2008
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chebby said:
kingsap said:
fr0g said:
wilro15 said:
Thats not very polite

I do apologise. I'll try again...

With my sincerest best wishes to you and your new digital cable may I present you with this wonderful prize...

Is there something im not getting? :D

You were familiar with the 'cable debate' when you started and took part in this thread in 2013 ...

... why are you now 'not getting' it?

There's no getting away from our forum record keeper/retriever.

He also stopped smoking recently so be afraid ,,, very ... :)


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May 12, 2013
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chebby said:
kingsap said:
fr0g said:
wilro15 said:
Thats not very polite

I do apologise.  I'll try again...

With my sincerest best wishes to you and your new digital cable may I present you with this wonderful prize...

Is there something im not getting? :D

You were familiar with the 'cable debate' when you started and took part in this thread in 2013 ...

... why are you now 'not getting' it?

Imnot getting the picture that is posted. Is there any meaning to it?
Also in my previous tread that is posted, there is no debate, but useful information that informs me to do room treatments to improve my sound which i did follow through. In this tread im just reporting some information which i did find out and learn.

So did i break a rule or something? I apologise to all if i did. Im seriously not getting it. Let me know if im giving wrong information or making a wrong tread. Thanks all


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Jan 18, 2008
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chebby said:
drummerman said:
He also stopped smoking recently so be afraid ,,, very ... :)

3 months ago. Still off them and not missing them at all and enjoying the money :)

Just filling in time whilst ripping 14 CDs (and adding details + artwork etc.).

Good going, very good. One thing I did notice immediately all those years ago was that I can actually taste food again ... not always a good thing.

With your penchant for the recorded voice you really should get a pair of small harbeth's or an LS3/5A.

Back to the OP (and on that note, I once took part in blind test of digital interconnects at WHS&V and could have sworn I heard quite distinct differences ... . Expectation bias or was there something more ... the Truth is out there, somewhere.)


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Jun 2, 2008
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drummerman said:
With your penchant for the recorded voice you really should get a pair of small harbeth's or an LS3/5A.

I could buy some right now from Wilmslow Audio for £670 (fully built, veneered in Maple and lacquered) and they have a usable (89dB @ 8 Ohms) efficiency unlike the originals ...

... however, I intend to get a mu-so by Naim one day, so that would be a bad idea. (I'd also have to scrap the plan for a new sideboard and book cabinets that I am really looking forward to. There'd be no room for them :-( )


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Apr 24, 2013
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drummerman said:
chebby said:
drummerman said:
He also stopped smoking recently so be afraid ,,, very ... :)

3 months ago. Still off them and not missing them at all and enjoying the money :)

Just filling in time whilst ripping 14 CDs (and adding details + artwork etc.).

Good going, very good. One thing I did notice immediately all those years ago was that I can actually taste food again ... not always a good thing.

With your penchant for the recorded voice you really should get a pair of small harbeth's or an LS3/5A.

Back to the OP (and on that note, I once took part in blind test of digital interconnects at WHS&V and could have sworn I heard quite distinct differences ... . Expectation bias or was there something more ... the Truth is out there, somewhere.)

Blind testing does not always stop you hearing differences, it requires you to idenify the differences on a reasonably consistent basis. How did you do?


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Aug 21, 2009
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I have heard a difference between USB cables, but after a suitable period of flagellation, followed by some therapy, I think I'm on the mend.


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Jan 18, 2008
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davedotco said:
drummerman said:
chebby said:
drummerman said:
He also stopped smoking recently so be afraid ,,, very ... :)

3 months ago. Still off them and not missing them at all and enjoying the money :)

Just filling in time whilst ripping 14 CDs (and adding details + artwork etc.).

Good going, very good. One thing I did notice immediately all those years ago was that I can actually taste food again ... not always a good thing.

With your penchant for the recorded voice you really should get a pair of small harbeth's or an LS3/5A.

Back to the OP (and on that note, I once took part in blind test of digital interconnects at WHS&V and could have sworn I heard quite distinct differences ... . Expectation bias or was there something more ... the Truth is out there, somewhere.)

Blind testing does not always stop you hearing differences, it requires you to idenify the differences on a reasonably consistent basis. How did you do?

I can't remember the protocol of the blind test but I do remember prefering the cheapest one.


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Apr 24, 2013
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drummerman said:
davedotco said:
drummerman said:
chebby said:
drummerman said:
He also stopped smoking recently so be afraid ,,, very ... :)

3 months ago. Still off them and not missing them at all and enjoying the money :)

Just filling in time whilst ripping 14 CDs (and adding details + artwork etc.).

Good going, very good. One thing I did notice immediately all those years ago was that I can actually taste food again ... not always a good thing.

With your penchant for the recorded voice you really should get a pair of small harbeth's or an LS3/5A.

Back to the OP (and on that note, I once took part in blind test of digital interconnects at WHS&V and could have sworn I heard quite distinct differences ... . Expectation bias or was there something more ... the Truth is out there, somewhere.)

Blind testing does not always stop you hearing differences, it requires you to idenify the differences on a reasonably consistent basis. How did you do?

I can't remember the protocol of the blind test but I do remember prefering the cheapest one.

The consistency is the trick DM, if you can pick one cable reliably over a number of tests, then it starts to get interesting.

I appreciate that there are far more enjoyable things to do then listening to cable comparisons ad infinitum but that is the only way to get a definitive answer.

Personally I found that when I took part in a blind test of components that I was familiar with, most of the 'expected' differences just dissappeared. The test was not that well structured by scientific standards but it was very instructive in an informal way.

Similarly I often feel that cable comparisons often favour the second cable heard, listeners 'concentrate' that bit harder and hear things they did not notice the first time. The cable is percieved as 'better' and more detailed.


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Jul 23, 2010
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I know I'm risking all manner of hell from the 'amateur scientist' sector of these forums who say that the following is impossible, but I did a similar thing a few months ago. I was using a Chord USB cable in my main system then when I was setting up my second system I 'borrowed' it for a while.

I replaced the Chord in the main system with a cheap USB printer cable, basically because it was all I had, just so I could listen to something whilst I was in that room. It was apparent almost instantly that the sound had changed - and for the better!

I totally understand that bits are bits and digital is merely 0's and 1's and I'm not totally uneducated in the sciences, so I get why some say this is impossible.

I haven't dared mention it on here for fear of the usual suspects piling on the ridicule, but I definitely hear a difference. The fact that you do too is at the very least intriguing.

It is obvious that some people do hear a difference, and I'm sorry but it is not 'all in my mind', I hope the scientists won't insult my intelligence by saying that I'm imagining it, but there is a difference between some USB cables.

Maybe the 'scientists' don't hear it because they don't believe it can be true. - Maybe they don't allow themselves to trust their own ears.

*Crash helmet on**shok*