lesmor:Canada if you don't know what anti mode is I respectably suggest you do some research
That could have been worded better! Sounds like something I might say...
For what it's worth Canada, I've never heard anti mode whatever it was, so you're not alone...
You cant help yourself from trying give English and crammer lessons can you,
On this occasion that wasn't what I was doing, I was simply suggesting your response sounded unnecessarily aggressive and dismissive of Canada's reply and could have been worded in a less hostile fashion, as I didn't think it was your intention to come across like that.
consider if you are on the right forum
On the other hand however...
I certainly hope Canada nor anyone else was not offended as no aggression was intended, I did say respectably
To clarify ,as Canada has in recent times bought ,sold ,and upgraded his Sub and like most here his Home cinema is his Hobby, doing some research into anti mode might well squeeze more performance from his system although he might feel that the cost is not justified, or indeed he might now be happy with his system as is.
I did not want to detract from the original post by starting a discussion on anti-mode or room modes ,most posters here probably do not want or need to understand room acoustics