Rega Brio to Naim NAIT 50

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2022
Yes, I’m very surprised they discontinued it without a replacement. Must have been the best seller aside from the turntables. The io is too weedy and the big ones can’t drive speakers below 6ohms, but then some of their circuits 1970s designs from Wireless World!

I believe it was connected with parts availability on both the Brio and the Apollo. I think Rega is rightly positioning itself as an analogue (vinyl) specialist rather than muddying the waters with digital tech, so I can't see there being an Apollo replacement. I suppose they may be quietly developing a Brio replacement, but they backed themselves into a corner in some ways with just how good the Brio was. It could certainly challenge the Nait 5si and similar at twice the price.
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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2022
I’m considering new speakers too….Spendor A2 current front runners to match the amp….
Definitely audition. I had A1s and hated them - they needed to be played loud to open up properly, but even then they didn't impress or engage me enough to justify the cost. I sold them on quite quickly. Other people rave about them, so you might fall into either camp.
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Well-known member
I believe it was connected with parts availability on both the Brio and the Apollo. I think Rega is rightly positioning itself as an analogue (vinyl) specialist rather than muddying the waters with digital tech, so I can't see there being an Apollo replacement. I suppose they may be quietly developing a Brio replacement, but they backed themselves into a corner in some ways with just how good the Brio was. It could certainly challenge the Nait 5si and similar at twice the price.
I can readily believe that. Many products that get a ‘mark 2’ or similar badge isn’t because they are actually improved, but they had to be redesigned because parts were discontinued.

Rega were well placed to take advantage of the resurgence of interest in LPs, and were I a dealer I’d have loved to offer Rega amps alongside a turntable/cartridge setup. Interesting that Peter Tyson’s new Fell Audio brand offers an amp that could have taken the place of the Brio, albeit a very different look and design.


Well-known member
I can readily believe that. Many products that get a ‘mark 2’ or similar badge isn’t because they are actually improved, but they had to be redesigned because parts were discontinued.

Rega were well placed to take advantage of the resurgence of interest in LPs, and were I a dealer I’d have loved to offer Rega amps alongside a turntable/cartridge setup. Interesting that Peter Tyson’s new Fell Audio brand offers an amp that could have taken the place of the Brio, albeit a very different look and design.

The Fell Audio is a very good amp for the price, from what I read, it's class D and well specced.
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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2023
Cool! Great amp, hope you enjoy it.

Also really interested in how it compares to the Brio. I’d love a Nait 50 for a 2nd system, but in reality budget is Brio 😁


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2021
Kudos to Naim for daring to make a real retro but at the same time, £1600 for 25 watts and no remote is perhaps daring too much.

Rega's Io seems like a bargain in comparison.

Still, they probably won't sound the same so the comparison is moot other than for perceived value. The Nait is also completely discrete internally so should something go puff in the future it's arguably easier to repair even though Naim will no doubt charge you handsomely for that privilege if you decide to go Salisbury way.

This is one for a bedroom system for those that grew up with the brand and probably already have bigger Naim systems. I can't see anyone else coughing up this sort of money for what's on offer but may be wrong.
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Well-known member
May 22, 2016
I see Sevenoaks have got several open box / ex dem on offer for £1500.
But the original £2700 price seems somewhat ridiculous.
Sadly all hifi is expensive, and the original RRP is not too bad when compared with the (in my view) inferior sounding Naim Nait XS3, and the quality of the product.
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Well-known member
Sadly all hifi is expensive, and the original RRP is not too bad when compared with the (in my view) inferior sounding Naim Nait XS3, and the quality of the product.
Yes I would expect it to sound good - and may well have been tempted by the more realistic price......had I not 'just' bought a new amp (which itself fell from silly to realistic in price).


Well-known member
Come'on don't be so modest!
I'm intrigued Gray, what amp did you purchase? :)
Bought a Cyrus XR-i7 Jason, after 20 years with a Cyrus 8.
Think I paid £1395.
The higher powered XR-i9 was over 3 grand at the time - but that has come down to 'just' £2k.
The i7 doesn't sound underpowered, but I know how much better the i9 would be - and really doubt there would be too many better amps for the current asking price.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
Bought a Cyrus XR-i7 Jason, after 20 years with a Cyrus 8.
Think I paid £1395.
The higher powered XR-i9 was over 3 grand at the time - but that has come down to 'just' £2k.
The i7 doesn't sound underpowered, but I know how much better the i9 would be - and really doubt there would be too many better amps for the current asking price.
Very nice, congrats on your purchase. Twenty years, that's a testament of the quality, I hope this will give you another twenty years of enjoyment!
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Well-known member
Very nice, congrats on your purchase. Twenty years, that's a testament of the quality, I hope this will give you another twenty years of enjoyment!
Thanks very much Jason.
Trouble is, I'm a pessimistic realist. The old amp gave 20 years of perfect service - no need for any attention whatsoever.
The new amp is one of the new breed of clever things - one of those things that can have its firmware updated 🤨
The chances of it working flawlessly for 20 years are about the same chance as I've got 💀

...for that reason - and back on the thread subject, the simplicity of the little Naim is a big part of its appeal - not too clever for its own good, as so many things (e.g. cars) now are.
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Well-known member
The only annoyance is Naim DIN
Said to be chosen for their superior performance over RCA.
Not sure by what measure that could be true.
Contact area is no greater.
And, with the two channels on adjacent pins - crosstalk must be more likely than with separately screened RCA channels 🤔

Proof will be in the listening and I'm sure the amp will be great.
Let us know what you think 👍
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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
Said to be chosen for their superior performance over RCA.
Not sure by what measure that could be true.
Contact area is no greater.
And, with the two channels on adjacent pins - crosstalk must be more likely than with separately screened RCA channels 🤔

Proof will be in the listening and I'm sure the amp will be great.
Let us know what you think 👍
Are NAIM dins balanced like XLRs?