I have been considering upgrading the Cartridge in my Genie Mk3 to the Ortofon Red, is there an anything else I should look at in a similar price range (Under £70).
Does it have an OM5 on it already? If so, there are several OM-series styli that will fit, be of similar-ish quality to the 2M red, and be much easier to fit.
Call me biased but go for the Red, they really are quite superior to the OM models. The benefits gained from the new cartridge far outweight the hassle of fitting it.
Henley:Call me biased but go for the Red, they really are quite superior to the OM models. The benefits gained from the new cartridge far outweight the hassle of fitting it.
Well you'll have to detatch the cartridge tags, unscrew the old cartridge and fit the new one. but otherwise all you need do is set the tracking weight.
Henley, do you mean that there's no need for alignment, azimuth adjustment etc ?? I'm new to vinyl and I thought all these are necessary should you need to replace a cartridge.
I assume alinement's etc would be necessary with any cartridge change and would have done this as a matter of course, think it was more that there would be no major modification for it to fit in place, please correct if I am wrong.