There is quite a bit of vapour and clever marketing, having got the rant out of the way, it is a great turntable that has etched into our psyche, it was the benchmark for others to follow until they became almost irrelevant. The sponsors had new toys to promote.
It's still a turntable though, can't walk across the surface of the water or turn rock into bread. It has the same physical demands as cheaper turntables, it cuts into the groove and makes a lot of noise.
I wouldn't pay the asking price, I rather settle for the cheaper Rega or Project or one of the other alternatives, it's perceived sonic advantages are possibly lost to the average listener.
i just want to say that the projects till 2000€ including a better cartridge are at a very old turntables level and cheaper ones only instead of made with good materials seem only bit´s of plastic joined like a Lego,
so new are from somewhere in the past that i can´t refer the year as i haven´t seen at this price range a so badly built turntable,
Flunace is maybe the best of this new wave of vinyl readers as they are far from being a turntable, Rega there are good but expensive,
there´s Linn but also expensive, and so on,
well everybody when starting should buy a less expensive turntable from the 80´s or 70´s in preference, than after some years buy a new one but compare them first,
now also every one needs a pre-amp for any new device i even heard headphones amplifiers are being sold , what is the matter with modern amplifiers that they can´t give power to a set of headphones, here in what hi-fi i notice some components that do have a good quality but the price is not for all ,
as some ELAC speakers that sound great also some Marantz amplifiers , Technics receivers(technics tower speakers do sound very good if not the cheapest ones) or even Burmester amplifiers if expensive is what is looked for,
as the B&W 803 new model and Yamaha receivers seemed very good and the SL-1500C is for sure a good turntable from Technics if with a improved cartridge,
even a new very simple turntable the Vertere Acoustics MG-1 MKII that sings perfect, as the Rega Naia or P10 are excelent but price wise are too expensive, it should cost much less to justify it´s quality .
i think it´s this way because they have not the production of big brands like Sony or Pioneer if it still exists, i´m in doubt