I cannot compare the two but from others' comment the I32 is supposed to be a big step over the I30, despite the damning review by WHF but praise elsewhere.
I heard the I32 against MF's M6i & Naim's Nait XS driving a pair of SF Cremonas. The M6i sounded a little too smooth & warm for my tastes. The Nait sounded great - lively, engaging but the I32 had all that but with far more detail which seems to be trait of class D amplification. I found the sound & build of the Primare extremely good! The I30 (I had ambitions of owning one so was upset when it was superceded) was very highly thought of, even by WHF!
I now have a Primare A34.2 class D power amp driven directly from an audiolab M-DAC. It builds on the strengths of the I32's power amp section. Very fast, pretty dynamic, great bass control & stunning detail & imaging. The I32 would probably best suited to speakers that are not overly bright - it will reveal shortcomings in recordings but will reward well-recorded stuff. I find my stereo dfficult to stay still too!